Текст слайда: By Fail Fayzullin, 10A The religions of China and Japan
Текст слайда: China concerns practical down to earth How can we achieve longevity? How can we get along better in our relationships with others? How should a good ruler lead the people? harmony, social relationships
Текст слайда: Metaphysics Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world,. basic questions: "What is there?" "What is it like?"
Текст слайда: Metaphysics is about… Energy Change Balance Harmony Inter-relationships
Текст слайда: The “Five Elements” Productive cycle Wood Water Metal Earth Fire
Текст слайда: The “Five Elements” Destructive cycle Wood Water Metal Earth Fire
Текст слайда: Yin and Yang YIN Negative force in nature Dark, cool Femaleness Earth, moon, shadows YANG Positive force Light, bright, warmth, dryness Maleness Sun, Heaven
Текст слайда: Keiro no hi holiday Respect of Elders day Shows the respect that Japanese have for there elders Believes that with age comes wisdom Ties in with many religious beliefs