Конспект обобщающего урока

английского языка

по теме “FOOD

(3 класс)

Гумерова Гульнур Шангараевна,

учитель английского языка МОБУ СОШ № 5

г. Благовещенска Республики Башкортостан

Тип урока: комбинированный, с элементами ролевой игры и дегустации.

Основные задачи:

  1. Развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи.

  2. Учить распознавать слова.

  3. Активизировать употребление новой лексики.

  4. Развивать этические навыки общения.


картинки по теме «Продукты питания»; анаграммы; стол, сервированный салатами и напитками.


  1. Greeting and introduction into the lesson.

  • Good morning, children! How are you? Glad to see you!

Is it Monday (Tuesday/Sunday) today?

What day is it today? What do you like to do on Friday?

What do you like to do every day?

  1. Phonetic drill of the words on the topic “Food” with the help of pictures.

  2. Now, children, look at the blackboard and unscramble the following words and make the sentences witn them.

Ate –eat, ugars – sugar, rettub – butter, ilkm – milk, neyho – honey.

  1. Consolidation (Teacher-Pupil 1,2,3…)

  • Can you tell me, please, what animals like:

    fish /meat /carrots /cabbage /bread / bananas /milk?

  1. Role-play “In the shop”.

And now let’s go to the shop.

  1. First tell us, please, what you can buy in these shops (pictures on p.100)

  2. Phonetic drill of the dialogue: ex. 5, p.106

  3. Children, act the dialogues between :

  1. a shop-assistant – a bear;

  2. a shop-assistant – a monkey;

  3. a shop-assistant – a fox.

    1. Teaching the rules of reading “ea”

  1. Listen to the cassette-recorder and read the words after the speaker (p.107, Mr. Rule)

  2. Practice in reading (ex. 3, p. 107). The teacher asks some of the pupils to read the dialogues.

    1. Grammar drill. Correct Baron’s statements (ex. 4, p. 107)

    2. Setting-up exercises.

Hands up. Hands down. Hands on hips. Bend forward. Bend back. Stand straight.

Hands up and down. And sit down.

    1. Developing of conversational skills (in the form of role-play where one pupil is a waiter and the other is a customer) Imagine that you come at cafe. You want:

a) some juice and a cake:

b) a sandwich and tea:

  1. ice-cream

How do you ask them?

    1. Games (It’s a competition between two teams. Pupils come to the table in turn and do the teacher’s commands. The mugs are closed and they drink the liquid with the help of cocktail pipe).

  1. There are few glasses of juice, milk, tea, coffee. Your eyes are closed. Children, guess what there is, asking your mate “Yes/No-questions”.

  2. Drink with closed eyes something that is in the mugs and say what it is. Say “I think it’s…”

  3. Vegetable and fruit salads are served here. Help yourself to some salads and guess what it is made of. Name the ingredients.

    1. Phonetic drill.

It’s fun to play games, isn’t it?

It’s always fun when you are togerher with your friends. And what song do we know about friends? Let’s sing it.

12. Conclusion:

a) commenting the work and giving marks;

b) explaining the homework: ex. 5, p. 110

Список использованной литературы

1. Учебник “Enjoy English” под редакцией М. З.Биболетовой (издательство «Титул», г. Обнинск, 2004 г.)

2. Книга для учителя. Издательство «Титул», г. Обнинск, 2004


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