Date : 18.12.14
Theme: Образовательная система. Урок—дискуссия
The aims of the lesson:
To teach pupils to express their thoughts about education system
To develop pupils speaking skills in expressing liking and disliking about school uniforms
To express one’s point of view and to work in group, supporting each other
Form :7
Literature: О.В.Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В.Михеева, Б.Оби, В.Эванс, К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман, Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia :Speaking and Listening Student’s Book
Teacher: Серендеева Людмила Юрьевна
I.Greeting. Presentation.
Teacher: Good morning , children. Take your places. At first greet your face partner, then your shoulder partner and me. Sit down, please!
How are you? Are you in a good mood? Who is on duty today?
So, let’s begin our lesson.
II .Phonetic skills
1.SEE—THINK—WONDER(структура из сингапурской методики)
Teacher : Look at the blackboard. You can see some pictures. First of all
think about the pictures. What do you see?
what do you think about it?
What do you want to know?
try to guess the theme of our lesson
Teacher: Ok, you are quite right. The theme of our lesson today is education system. On the lesson we’ll discuss education system in Britain and compare it with other countries. Take your vocabulary and write down new words you can see them in your sheet of papers. I’ll give you 7 minutes .
III. Lexical skills.
attend — посещать
average — средний
boarding school –школа-интернат , пансион
co— educational school— школа совместного обучения
extra-curricular— внеклассный
facility— условие
home schooling— домашнее обучение
private school— частная школа
science lab-научная лаборатория
single sex school-школа раздельного обучения
specialist school— профильная школа
state school— государственная школа
training -обучение
scholarship— стипендия
all—boys school-школа для мальчиков
Listen to me
Repeat after me
Is anybody ready to read these words without me?
Now try to make your own sentences with these words. I’ll give you 5 minutes.
What kind of schools do you know in our district? Choose the school that you would like to study at in. What do you know about this school?(say where it is situated, how old it is, how many student study there etc)
Look at the pictures again. In pairs , discuss the following questions:
What are the arguments in favour of school uniforms?
What are the arguments against school uniforms?
Do you think school uniforms are a good idea?
Does it matter what teachers wear in the classroom?
Now find exercise 5 in your sheet of papers. Read the task. What are English schools like? Answer :true or false?
IVSums: It’s time to finish our discussion about education. But before I want to know what do you think about our lesson. I’ll give you a plan. Try to use it in your sentences.
Today we speak about….
It was interesting to know….
It was difficult…
Now I now…
I’ll try…
I was surprised…
I want…
Our lesson is over. You have worked well, your marks are:….
Write down your home work.
Choose the school you are going to speak about
Find different sources of information about this school ( books, magazines, posters)
Choose the most attractive pieces of information to impress the audience
Thank you for lesson! You are free! Good bye!