Конспект урока английского языка, УМК «Enjoy English» Биболетова М.З. 9 класс.

Тема «Декларация прав человека».

Цели: обобщение грамматических знаний по теме «Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений»; совершенствование навыков устной речи; формирование лексических навыков.

Наглядность и оборудование: ноутбук, экран, демонстрационная таблица по теме «Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений», учебник английского языка Биболетова М.З. 9 класс.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

-Good morning, dear boys and girls!

-Good morning, teacher!

-I’m glad to see you, sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

Ok. What is the weather like today?

— The weather is cold!

II. Фонетическая разминка. Активизация лексических навыков.

We are going to begin with practicing today’s vocabulary. Look at the screen and read the following words after me. Now read them one by one in chain. Let’s translate these words, who would like to begin?

Примерные словосочетания:

to appear, justice, relation, declaration, to suffer, to prevent, to happen, to respect, values, human rights, opinion, equality, tolerant.

Now I say these words in Russian, you should find the English word, clear? Let’s start!

Well done! Now open your work books, write down the date. Open your books on page 135, exercise 107. Your task is to fill in the blanks with some of the following words. Mind the grammatical forms of the words. Можно записать эти слова в словари, а дома дети найдут к ним транскрипцию. Если класс сильный и задания выполняют быстро, то составление своих предложений с данными словами — тоже неплохая тренировка в использовании).


1. suffer

2. prevented

3. respect

4. happen

5. relations

6. values

III. Речевая разминка.

Now I’d like you to answer my questions.

1. What document should we read to know the human rights? (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

2. What human rights do you know? (Every person has the right to speak freely, to marry whomever he/she wants, to choose the work and to get an education.)

3. Do people in all countries live with these rights? Why not? (In some countries racism is practiced.)

4. Does the list of human rights include protection against racial, ethnic, sexual and religious discrimination? (Yes, it does.)

5. What should people understand if they want to prevent war? (Every person has the right to liberty, justice and equality.)

6. Is it important to be tolerant? (Yes, you should learn to live in peace and respect each others’ opinions).

7. How can we build peace in the world? ( We should be tolerant of other cultures, religions, ideas, values.)

IV. Обобщение грамматики по теме «Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений».

— Let’s read the examples from the table “Grammar focus”, ex.108 page 135. Here is the examples of using the Possessive pronouns. Притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме употребляются вместо существительных, то есть существительные после этой формы никогда не ставятся.

Now let’s do exercise 108 page 135 in oral form. You may also use the table from the Appendix 7 on page 203.

V. Совершенствование навыков устной речи.

The next task is exercise 109, page 135. Work in pair please. Your task is to match the sentences. Look at the example please. Don’t forget to use “in other words” while discussing.

Example: Every person has the right to equality. In other words, every person has the right to be equal with other people.

VI. Физкультминутка.

Hands up, hands down, shake, shake,

Stand up on the tiptoes,

Turn around, step aside,

Step left, step right.

Sit down.

(Повторяется несколько раз с ускорением темпа).

VII. Формирование лексических навыков. Введение и первичное закрепление слова since.

We are going to learn the using of the word “since” in different sentences. Look at exercise 110, page 136. Let’s read and translate the examples. Who would like to begin? Is everything clear?

Then look at exercise 111 page.136. Change the sentences by using since instead of the words in bold.

And even more sentences for you, look at the screen please:

1. Because he’s depressed, we never call him

2. Because you left, I haven’t eaten; I’m still stuffed from our meal.

Because you left, I haven’t eaten; you took the forks with you.

3. She has got that job after March, 18th.

4. He has put on weight after the end of last year.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.

Did you like the lesson? What new or interesting things did you find out?

Is there something that you didn’t understand? Ask me now please.

I’ll give the following marks … to …

Домашнее задание.

Учебник: упр. 112 стр.136 (Составить и выучить диалог в парах).

The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson, good bye!


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