Презентация нового материала
(УМК М.З. Биболетова Enjoy English -4)
Тема: Let’s have a fashion show.
Образовательные: познакомить с лексическим единицами по теме «Одежда», активизировать употребление ЛЕ по теме в устной речи учащихся, актуализировать грамматическую форму глагола — простое будущее время.
Развивающие: развивать навыки устной речи, перевода, продуцирования коротких высказываний, произвольное внимание, мышление, память, языковую догадку, способствовать формированию навыков парной работы, формировать познавательный интерес учащихся к предмету.
Воспитательные: мотивировать детей на изучение иностранного языка, способствовать развитию творческой активности учащихся, приобщить учащихся к культуре английского языка.
Тип урока: презентация нового материала ( лексики по теме «Одежда») .
Методы обучения: практический, словесный, наглядный.
Формы организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная.
Средства обучения: учебник Enjoy English-4, электронная презентация в программе Power Point, предметы одежды, коробки с подарками, раздаточный карточки для игры в «Бинго»
Ход урока
I. Greeting
Good morning, my dear friends! I am glad to see you. My name is.. And today we will learn English together. First, let’s meet. What’s your name? How are you? I’m fine too.
Ok. Are you ready to begin our lesson? Let’s start then.
2. Warming up.
My dear friends! I’m so happy! It was my birthday yesterday. (photo on the slide)
I had a great birthday party yesterday. My family and friends came to my place and brought me a lot of presents. Look here! How many beautiful presents I have!
When is your birthday?
Do you like to get presents?
What present would you like to have for your birthday?
How do you usually celebrate the birthday party?
What do you usually do at the party?
What was your favorite present you got?
Do you like to open the presents?
(Opening the boxes) Let’s open my presents together! O’K!
(taking the first box) It’s my mom’s present. Oh, what is that? It is a T-shirt. It’s a lovely yellow T-shirt. I like this T-shirt very much. What is the Russian for “a T-shirt”? Yes, you are right. It is футболка. Repeat after me: a T-shirt, a T-shirt, a lovely T-shirt. Is it really nice?
Let’s open the next box. This is my sister’s present. What is there in the box? Oh, my God! It is a skirt. I like to wear skirts with a T-shirt. I have a lot of skirts: a blue skirt, a black skirt, a green skirt. What is the Russian for “a skirt”? (It is Юбка.) Repeat it, please: a skirt, a skirt, a black skirt. I like to wear skirts. Well done!
Did you like all my presents? I liked them very much. You know, I enjoy having shows. Let’s have a fashion show together. (Slide- a fashion show)
Is it a good idea?
Do you like fashion shows?
What do we need for a fashion show? We need clothes! (slide- clothes) What is the Russian for “clothes”?
Let’s go shopping for clothes! But you don’t know the names for different clothes. It’s not a problem. Today at the lesson we will learn some new words.
III. Phonetic drill
It’s high time to train the sounds which may be difficult for you. Listen and repeat the words after me.
[dʒ] jam jump jacket jeans | [Ө] think thank three anything | [ju:] pupil beautiful music suit | [au] house brown how trousers |
IV. Presentation of the new words.
Look! I’ve got a lot of clothes here (in the bag or walk-in closet). Let’s name them in Russian. (перечисляются названия предметов по-русски). And now let’s try to name these things in English.
a) We will play the game “An echo”. I’ll name the word and your task is to repeat it after me:
(slides # — )
A shirt
A T-shirt
A skirt
A jacket
A dress
A hat
b) Good job, boys and girls! And now we’ll chant these words. Are you all for it? (3 times)
A chant “Clothes”