Тема урока: Business before pleasure.

Практическая цель урока:

Задачи урока:

Развивающий аспект: 1. Развивать память, мышление учащихся.

2. Развивать внимание учащихся.

Воспитательный аспект:


2. Воспитывать уважение детей друг к другу, умение слушать.

3.Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка, за счет использования игровых форм.

Образовательный аспект: 1.Развивать навыки диалогической речи.

2. Активизировать аудитивные навыки.

3.Формировать грамматические навыки (множественное число существительных)

4. Развивать лексико-грамматические навыки.

Языковой материал:

новый: mouse, mice, child, children, man, men, woman, women

для повторения: in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, wash hands, water the flowers, have breakfast, clean teeth, watch TV, listen to music, go to school

Оснащение урока: презентация, аудиозапись.

Ход урока

Этапы урока и их конкретные задачи

Действия и речь учителя

Предполагаемые действия и речь учащихся

Используемые учебные средства, включая оформление доски

Организационный момент

Фонетическая зарядка

Речевая разминка

Монологическая речь

Повторение лексического материала (время)

Активизация навыка вести диалог



Введение нового материала (множественное число существительных)

Закрепление грамматического материала


Домашнее задание


Подведение итогов

Good morning children!

-I’m glad to see you, too. Sit down, please.

Today the topic of our lesson is “business before pleasure”. It means that first we must do all necessary things, for ex. help mother, and then we can have fun, for ex. play computer games.

And today we have a lot to do. In this lesson we will help a detective. He can’t plan his day so now he has a lot of difficult problems. Let’s help him and teach how to plan the day.

Listen and repeat

Ok. Now, look at the blackboard, you can see two columns: business and pleasure. And here I have some card with different actions we do every day. Put these cards into the correct column.

Well done!

As I’ve told you our detective can’t plan his day, but we know one gnome, who is always very busy and does everything on time. Who is he? Yes, he is Tiny. Let’s tell our guests and the detective about his daily life.

Well done. Thank you.

Now, look at the board. This is Tiny’s timetable for Saturdays. What does he do on Saturdays and what time does he do it?

Now our detective sees that he must plan his day and do everything on time. So he goes on meeting with a girl who has lost her toy. Let’s read their dialog.

-What is it?

-What is its name?

-How old is it?

-What colour are its eyes?

-Is its nose long?

-Are its ears big?

-How many hands and legs does it have?

The next his task is to find lost animals.

The detective received a message from Martin. His grandma and grandpa have a farm. There are different animals on their farm. Let’s listen to Martin’s story about this farm. What animals has he got?

Now look at the photo. There must be 2 cats on their farm, but there is just one cat. The detective asks us about help. And I know who can help us to find animals. It’s Wolfie, but he’ll help us only if we dance with him.

Stand up and follow the Wolfie.

The hokey pokey.

The Wolfie said that we must look for the animals in the forest, so look at the picture. What do you think where the animals can be?

Yes, they are in the house. Let’s look at them and count.

Well done. We solved this problem! Let’s help our detective with other task. He got a letter from one boy who can’t make plural forms. Look at the pictures and write in words.

+ еще какое-нибудь задание на мн.ч.

Our detective sent me 2 texts (stories). He asks us to help him to choose the text with timetable he should keep on. Let’s read these texts.

Ok! What do you think? Which timetable the detective should keep on?

p. 71 ex.1,2

Do you like the lesson?

What do you like best of all?

— Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning,

I’m glad to see you.

Прикрепляют карточки магнитами к доске в нужную колонку.

К доске выходят 3 ученика: один рассказывает про утро, второй- про день, а третий- про вечер.

Читают диалог, затем меняют выделенные слова в диалоге и составляют свои диалоги. Одна пара отвечает перед классом.

Учащиеся получают карточки (или в тетрадях), на которых нарисовано животное и кол-во, им надо словами записать то, что они видят.

-Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye.

На доске написана тема.

Карточки с фразами: do homework, water the flowers, clean the room, help mother, watch TV, play computer games.


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