Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Гимназия №3» городского округа город Октябрьский

Республики Башкортостан

Конспект урока

по английскому языку в 6 классе


Выполнила работу:

Ермолина Танзиля Рифатовна

учитель английского языка

Тема: Праздники



— развитие умений диалогической речи на основе умения запрашивать и предоставлять информацию

— развитие умений аудирования с целью извлечения заданной информации

— расширение словарного запаса по теме


— расширение кругозора ( по теме «Праздники», «Интересы детей»)

Воспитательные :

— формирование уважения и интереса к изучаемому языку

— воспитание культуры общения

— формирование умения работать в парах

Оснащение урока:
— компьютер;
— мультимедийная установка;
— дидактический материал — презентация Microsoft Power Point

«Интересы детей», аудиозапись физкультурной минутки, аудиозапись диалога, карточки с заданиями по аудированию, карточки с транскрипцией и словами.

Ход урока:

  1. T. Good morning, children.

P. Good morning , dear teacher .

T. I’m glad to see you. Sit down,please.

How are you?

Let’s begin our English lesson.

Let’s work in a chain asking each other the question “What’s your neighbor’s name?”( one by one)

Now tell me,

What’s the day(date) today?

What season is it now?- It is winter

As for me, I like winter because I can ski.( Показываю слайды с картинками )

Do you like winter? And why?( ученики отвечают используя слайды)

Look at the blackboard.

The theme of our lesson is « Festive time»

Today we’ll learn how to ask and answer the questions; we’ll do the auding and some interesting tasks.

  1. It is time for the phonetic exercise. I’ll show you the transcription of some words , try to read them.

Now read the words and translate them.

(Make the decorations, do the dusting, make a special dish, make a cake, make preparations, celebration, dress up, exchange gifts.)

  1. Let’s check up your homework. It is ex.3page 46 ( you should read and translate it)

But at first let’s listen the recoding.

Who wants to be the first?

P (ученики читают текст)

Now answer my questions using the text.

  1. Who is the author of the letter?

  2. Whom does she write the letter?

  3. Where are they now?

  4. What are they doing now?

  5. How do Spanish people call New Year’s Eve?

  6. What do council workers do on the streets?

  1. Физкультурная зарядка.

I see that you are tired. Let’s relax and do exercises.(Alluetta)

Мы отдохнули. Let’s go on.

  1. Let’s work with ex. 1 page 46

1.a Fill in make or do.

..the decorations, …the dust, …homework, … a call, … the gardening, … tea,

a special dish, … the washing –up,…. the shopping, …. A cake,…mistakes.

1.b What are the people in the picture doing?

Ex. The woman in picture 1 is making tea.

2. Open your workbooks on page 29. Let’s do the ex. 1

3. New words.(введение новых слов)

Make wreaths –делать венки,гирлянды

Exchange gifts-обмениваться подарками

Wear costumes— наряжаться в костюмы

Offer flowers and sweets-предлагать цветы и конфеты

Eat traditional food-кушать традиционную еду

Watch parades-смотреть парад

Watch a firework display-смотреть фейерверк

Teacher: Open your books on page 48? Look at the pictures and answer my questions.

  1. When is St Patrick’s day? — it is on the 17th of March.

  2. What do people do on that day?- They watch parades.

  3. When is Thanksgiving day? It is on the 4th of November

  4. What do people do on that day?- They ….

  5. When is Guy Fawkes day? — It is on the 5th of November

  6. What do people do on that day?- They…

  7. When is Halloween day? — It is on the 31st of October.

  8. What do people do on that day?- They…

  9. When is May Day? — It is on the 1st of May

  10. What do people do on that day?- They…

  11. When is Valentine’s Day? It is on the 14th of February

  12. What do people do on that day?- They…

  1. Open your record books and write down your homework.

You should learn by heart new words. Read and translate the exercise 3 page 48

  1. Аудирование

Listen and match the people to what each one is doing.

  1. Harry

  1. dusting

  1. John

  1. Making decorations

  1. Phil

  1. Organizing the music

  1. Tina

  1. Making the cake

  1. Hanging up balloons

  1. Cleaning the bathroom

  1. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок

Our lesson is over. You were very active today and we have done a lot of work. Thank you for the lesson. Now I would like to give you your marks.

Список использованной литературы:

1.Ю.Е.Ваулина,Дж.Дули «Английский в фокусе»6 класс, М.,

Express Publishing , «Просвещение»,2008

2. Ю.Е.Ваулина,Дж.Дули рабочая тетрадь «Английский в фокусе» 6 класс,

М.,Express Publishing, «Просвещение»,2008

Использованные материалы:

  1. CD к учебнику «Английский в фокусе» 6 класс Ю.Е.Ваулина,Дж.Дули, М., Express Publishing , «Просвещение»,2008

  2. Кассета с песнями


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