Контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для 4 класса (УМК «Enjoy English», Биболетова М.З. и др.) по теме:


Список использованной литературы

Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева: Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English для 4 класса


учитель английского языка

Душина Н.А.

МБОУ «Гимназия №3»

г. Белгород

Task 1. Put in the missing letters

bo__ts, mi__tns, sho__ts, tr__iners, soc___s

a co___t, a s___arf, ra__ncoat, a swe___ter,

clot___es, j___ans, tro___sers, a ja___ket,

Task 2. Read and translate the text.

Father Giraffe and Mother Giraffe lived in Africa and they had a little Baby Giraffe. Baby Giraffe was six. He wore blue shorts, a green T-shirt and red trainers. He had a little cap on.

One day Baby Giraffe said: “Mum, Dad, I want to go to school”.

Ok, but you haven’t got a suit!” said Father Giraffe.

And you haven’t got a shirt!” said Mother Giraffe.

And I haven’t got shoes!” said Baby Giraffe.

So they went to Mrs. Lion’s shop. Father Giraffe bought a black suit, a white shirt and shoes for Baby Giraffe. Baby Giraffe put them on and looked very beautiful.

Can I go to school now?” asked Baby Giraffe.

Yes, you can. You look so nice!” answered Mother Giraffe.

I like your clothes very much,” said Father Giraffe.

On the 1st of September Baby Giraffe came to school. His Mum and Dad went with him. Mother Giraffe had a pink skirt and a white blouse on. Father Giraffe put on a white shirt and grey trousers. They looked nice and happy.

Task 3. True or false?

______________ Baby Giraffe wanted to go to school.

______________ Baby Giraffe had shorts, a T-shirt, a cap and trainers on.

______________ The Giraffes went to Mrs. Tiger’s shop.

______________ Father Giraffe bought new clothes for Baby Giraffe.

______________ Baby Giraffe didn’t like his new clothes.

______________ Mother Giraffe had a pink blouse on.

______________ Father Giraffe put on a black suit.

______________ Mother Giraffe and Father Giraffe looked nice and happy. 

Task 4. Fill in the gaps.

Father Giraffe and Mother Giraffe had a __________________________.

Baby Giraffe was __________________. He wanted to go to _________________.

Father Giraffe bought ___________________________________________________________for Baby Giraffe.

Baby Giraffe looked very _______________________ in his hew clothes.

Father Giraffe had a white ________________ and grey ____________________ on.

Task 5. Write the 2nd form of the verb.

put on








Task 6. Who said that?

I want to go to school. ______________________

You haven’t got a suit! ______________________

I haven’t got shoes. ______________________

You look so nice! ______________________

Can I go to school now? ______________________

I like your clothes very much. ________________


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