английского языка
в 8 классе
преподаватель: Сабитова Гузяль Алялдиновна
Тема II четверти: «Великие умы человечества. Изобретения. Профессии».
Тема урока: «Изобретения и изобретатели»
Учебный аспект: Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков, навыков устной речи.
Образовательный аспект: создать условия для совершенствования навыков устной речи, навыков чтения с детальным пониманием содержания и с целью извлечения конкретной информации, аудитивных навыков.
Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать чувство сопричастности к мировой истории, чувство уважения к чужому труду и творчеству, чувство гордости за достижения своих великих соотечественников.
Развивающий аспект: развивать любознательность, познавательный интерес, креативность, способность к распределению внимания, к непроизвольному запоминанию, к абстрагированию и обобщению при овладении грамматическими явлениями, к планированию своего высказывания, способность к репродуктивным и продуктивным речевым действиям.
Формы и методы: групповая, парная, индивидуальная; словесные, наглядные, практические.
Материальное обеспечение урока: УМК Английский в фокусе, 8 кл. Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., интерактивная доска, презентация, раздаточный материал.
Ход занятия
Этапы урока и деятельность преподавателя
| Время (мин.) | Деятельность суворовцев | |
| Организационный момент и приветствие: а) команды, рапорт; б) цели, задачи урока.
| 1 | Дежурный сдает рапорт. Формулируют цель урока. (слайд №2) |
2 | Речевая зарядка. Вопросно-ответная беседа по теме «Изобретения в нашей жизни». Nowadays we have a lot of modern inventions at home and at school. Can you name some of them? -What do you use for watching films? -What do you use for calling somebody? -What do you use for taking photos? -What is the most useful thing for you? etc.
| 2 | Фронтально отвечают. |
3 | Warm up (a song “Inventions and inventors”) And do you know who invented all these things? Let’s listen to a song and find it out.
| 1 | Слушают песню и просматривают видеоролик (слайд№3) |
4 | Выполнение упражнения на понимание прослушанного — Now try to match the names of inventors and their inventions (worksheet№1) | 2 | Соотносят изобретения и изобретателей (слайд№4) |
5 | Чтение с детальным пониманием содержания — Do you know anything about these famous people? -I think it will be interesting for you to get some information about these inventors. I’ll give you 2 different texts about 2 famous inventors. I’d like you to read and guess who the texts are about. While reading you have one more task: put all the verbs in brackets into their Past form. (worksheet№2) -Now you can check yourselves.
| 5 | Читают тексты, ставя глаголы в прошедшее время, и догадываются о ком текст
(слайды5-6) |
6 | Беседа о российских изобретателях These were English and American inventors and what about Russia? What Russian inventors do you know?
| 2 | (слайд№7) |
7 | Монологическое высказывание Your self-preparation task was to prepare some information about Russian inventors. Now you can tell us about them. | 2 | Рассказывают о российских изобретателях (слайд№8-9) |
8 | Обсуждение прослушанных сообщений (worksheet№3) -Where was he born? -Where did he study? -What was his most important invention? — When did he invent it? | 2 | Задают вопросы друг другу |
9 | Динамическая пауза -Now you can stand up and move a little. There are stickers with words on the walls, you have to gather them and make up sentences. 1)-Edison invented an electric light bulb. 2)- A helicopter was invented by Sikorsky. 3)-Korolyov invented the first satellite. 4) -A telephone was invented by A.Bell. | 2 | Собирают стикеры со словами и составляют предложения (слайд №10) |
10 | Грамматическое упражнение (worksheet№4) What grammar voice is used in these sentences? Can you rewrite these sentences in Passive Voice?
Henry Ford invented the assembly line in 1903 Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876 John Logie Baird invented colour television in 1928 Alexander Fleming invented penicillin in 1928 Igor Sikorsky invented a helicopter in 1909 Sergei Korolyov invented a satellite Sputnik 1 in 1957 John Walker invented matches in 1827
| 4 | Переписать предложения в пассивном залоге (слайд №11) |
10 | Аудирование Now you will listen to some information about one of these inventors. Guess who it is. | 1 | Слушают аудиозапись (слайд№12) |
11 | Ролевая игра «Meeting a famous inventor»
—Hello, I’m Alexander Graham Bell. I’m glad to see you here and I hope you are happy to use one of my inventions. What is it? Group: It’s a telephone Teacher: You have an opportunity to ask all your questions now. G: Where did you study? — At the university of Edinburgh G: What was your favorite subject? -My favorite subjects were sciences, especially biology. G: Was it difficult to invent a telephone? — Yes, it was. It took me a lot of time. G: Did anybody help you? — Yes. my assistant Watson helped me. G: I’ve heard that you were not only an inventor. What else did you do? — I was a teacher at the university G: What university did you teach in? — Boston University G: What should we do to be successful? -I shall read you 10 steps to success:
-Good luck to you | 3 | групповая работа
12 | Подведение итогов, рефлексия Today we have learned some facts about famous inventors (we can call them Great Minds) and their inventions. Was it interesting for you? At the end of the term you will make a project about one of the Great Minds. Which field of science would you choose for your project?
| 2 | Выбирают раздел науки для проекта
(слайд№13) |
13 | Объяснение задания на самоподготовку -Find some more names of great minds and their inventions in Russia and in other countries, according to the chosen field of science. | 1 |
Match the inventors and their inventions.
Electric light bulb
Wright brothers |
Worksheet №3
Ask questions
-Where / born?
-Where / study?
-What / most important invention?
— When / invent it?
Worksheet №2 A
Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets into their Past form. Guess, who is the text about?
Most people know that he (create)1____________ the first working light bulb, but they don’t know anything else about him. He (invent)2___________ over 1000 different things. Among his inventions are: the phonograph (record player), the movie camera and the movie projector. He (make)3_____________ his electric light bulb in 1879, but there was still much work to do. No one (know)4___________ how to use electricity outside of laboratory . He and his workers created a safe electric system. First they (build)5__________ a factory. Then they( have)6___________ to build the dynamos to make the electricity. Next they had to build electric lines. To show people that he (be)7___________ serious, he (begin)8___________ his project in New York City. By 1887, most part of New York City was electrified.
He (live)9_________ until 1931. He (continue)10_____________ to invent all his life. He was a true genius.
Worksheet №2 B
Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets into their Past form. Guess, who is the text about?
He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847. His father (be)1_________ a world-famous inventor of “Visible Speech”, which (help)2__________ deaf people to pronounce words they could not hear. Between 1868 and 1870 he (work)3____________ with his father and (study)4____________ speech and (teach)5_____________ deaf children in Edinburgh. In 1866 he (start)6___________ thinking about sending tones by telegraph, and it was then that there (come)7___________ to his mind the idea of the “harmonic telegraph”, which would send musical tones electrically from one place to another. He (become)8______________ interested in the mechanical production of a sound. In this way, sound (can)9__________ be carried across wires at the speed of light. In 1876 he was able to develop the telephone, which enables people to talk to each other over long distances. In 1915 the first transcontinental telephone was opened. He (die)10__________ on August 2, 1922.
Worksheet №4
Rewrite these sentences in Passive Voice
Henry Ford invented the assembly line in 1903
Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876
John Logie Baird invented colour television in 1928
Alexander Fleming invented penicillin in 1928
Igor Sikorsky invented a helicopter in 1909
Sergei Korolyov invented a satellite Sputnik 1 in 1957
John Walker invented matches in 1827
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