Программа праздника:

  1. Вступительное слово ведущего.

  2. Стихи, песни, номера художественной самодеятельности, инсценировка сказки (мюзикл) «Теремок»

  3. Игры, конкурсы.

  4. Награждение участников праздника.

  1. Вступительное слово ведущего.

Dear girls and boys. You are welcome to our X-mas party. Today we’ll sing songs, recite poems, play different games, dance around this beautiful Christmas Tree. And of course you’ll get presents. Do you like presents? And who brings presents? Santa Claus or Father Frost. Now let’s call him altogether!

Дети: Father Frost! Father Frost!

Ведущий: Борода его седа и в снегу ресницы.

Если он пришел сюда, будем веселиться!

Father Frost, я знаю про тебя загадку, а ребята помогут тебе ее отгадать.

Кто насыпал белый снег? Father Frost. (Хором)

Кто без краски красит нос? Father Frost

Кто заморозил нам тепло? Father Frost

А кто разбил снежком окно? Father Frost

А кто деревья побелил? Father Frost

А кто двойку получил? Father Frost.

Father Frost, ты не обижайся, наши ребята любят пошутить.

Father Frost: Children, here is a big bag full of presents for you, but first I must ask you some questions. Do you like ice-cream? – Yes, we do.

Do you love your parents? — Yes, we do.

Do you like to play? – Yes, we do.

Do you listen to your teachers? Yes, we do.

Father Frost: You’re really good children! I’ll give you some presents. But first, show me what you can do?

Ведущий: Порадуем Деда Мороза песнями, стихами, танцами.

Ведущий: У меня есть еще одна загадка для вас.

This is the season

When children ski

And Father Frost brings

The bright New Year Tree.


What winter months do you know? – December, January, February are winter months.

Do you know poems about winter?

* Желающие дети (подготовленные заранее) читают стихи по тематике Нового Года, Рождества, новогодних атрибутов, елки и т.п.


New Year day, happy day,

We are all glad and very gay!

We all dance, and sing and say,

Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!”


It is winter, it is cold.

Father Frost is very old.

But he is always full of joy,

And glad to give me a nice toy.


We wish you merry Xmas

And a happy new year

Good tidings for you

Wherever you are

Good tidings for Xmas

And a happy new year!


December is the best of all,

Snow-flakes dance, snow-flakes fall.

People see the New Year in,

When December ends, it will begin.


Ведущий: Children, do you like fairy-tails? Class 11A shows us one.

(Ребята 11 класса показывают сценку «Теремок»)

a frog

a mouse

a hen

a cock

a fox

a school choir

Сценка исполняется в ритме рэпа.

А school choir:

There is a house in the wood, wood, wood

A mouse is coming through the wood, wood, wood

She knocks at the door, door, door

She asks at the door, door, door

A mouse:

Who lives in this house, house, house?

A frog:

I live. I’m a frog. And who are you?

A mouse:

I am a mouse. May I live with you?

A frog:

Yes, you may. Please, come in!

А school choir:

There is a house in the wood, wood, wood

A cock is coming through the wood, wood, wood

He knocks at the door, door, door

He asks at the door, door, door

A cock:

Who lives in this house, house, house?

A mouse and a frog:

I’m a frog. I am a mouse. And who are you?

A cock:

I am a cock. May I live with you?

A mouse and a frog:

Yes, you may. Please, come in!

А school choir:

There is a house in the wood, wood, wood

A hen is coming through the wood, wood, wood

She knocks at the door, door, door

She asks at the door, door, door

A hen:

Who lives in this house, house, house?

A cock, a mouse and a frog:

I’m a frog. I am a mouse. I am a cock. And who are you?

A hen:

I am a hen. May I live with you?

A cock, a mouse and a frog:

Yes, you may. Please, come in!

А school choir:

There is a house in the wood, wood, wood

A fox is coming through the wood, wood, wood

She knocks at the door, door, door

She asks at the door, door, door

A fox:

Dear frog and cock, dear mouse and hen, may I live with you in your house?

A cock, a mouse, a frog and a hen:

Oh, no. you are a bad fox, go away, go away. We don’t want you!

Ведущий: Children, let’s thank our actors! (Аплодисменты актерам)

Ведущий: Рождество – красивый, красочный, веселый праздник. В какие краски вы бы разрисовали Рождество? Say it in English, please! (можно показать разноцветные вырезанные из бумаги елочки, а ребята называют цвета по-английски — green, yellow, red, white, blue, gold, silver)

Лена любит рисовать. Она сейчас расскажет об этом в своем стихотворении “I have many pencils

I have many pencils

Red and green and blue.

I shall draw a picture

And give it to you.

I have many pencils,

Peter has a pen.

We can draw on paper

Funny little men.


Look! We have a snowman

He is tall and fat.

He has a carrot in his nose

He has a funny hat.


Happy New Year, my friend,

Happy New Year, today!

Let us dance hands in hands.

I will show you the way.


Ведущий: Children, what else can you do in winter?

(ребята называют выражения о занятиях в зимнее время года. Например: go skiing/skating, play snowballs, make a snowwoman, etc.)


I am running on my skis,

White and silver are the trees.

I am skating on bright ice-

Winter holidays are nice.


Ведущий: Children, let’s sing the song “The Snowman”! (На мотив «В лесу родилась елочка»)

I wish I were a snowman,

So tall and big and white.

I’d never have to clean my teeth,

Or go to bed at night.

But may be Mister Snowman

Is wishing he were me,

For I’ll be here when summer comes,

But where will Snowman be?


It is December the thirty-first.

Something is about to burst.

The thirty-first of December is the day

When we have a great holiday.

The New Year usually comes at midnight

And bring us presents

So sweet and bright.

Ведущий: let’s decorate our tree with colorful balls, tinsel, lights and toys.

( украшать елку дети начинают по команде ведущего на английском языке)

red stars

blue balls

yellow tinsel

purple stars



The New year tree so fine and tall

Stands in the center of the hall.

Its needles are green, its toys are bright.

Our New Year Party is tonight.

Around the fir tree let us play

Because it is a New Year Day.


We have a fir tree in the hall.

It is so beautiful and tall!

Around it we dance and play

Because it is a New Year Day.


What do you see in the fir-tree?

I see a plane, a ship, a car,

A flag, a bird, a tram, a star,

A horse, a cat, a cock, a dog,

A fox, a pig, a duck, a frog,

A hen, a chick, a ball, a drum,

An apple, a pear and a plum.

Ведущий: Ребята, вы знаете, что в Англии деда Мороза зовут по-другому – Санта-Клаус.


Santa Claus lives in England.

He is funny and merry,

His cheeks are like roses,

His nose is like a cherry.

With a brunch of green holy

And robin, his friends,

To all English children

Christmas wishes he sends.


And now our posters contest. ( Дед Мороз награждает конкурсантов, представивших свои рождественские и новогодние плакаты, сладкими призами).


Что за праздник без хоровода? Make 2 circles and sing “Jingle bells”


Lets play! (А теперь поиграем!)

1. картошка в ложке (эстафета)

2. раз, два, три – беги! (игра с мячом под музыку)

3. танцевальное попурри (мелодии из разных стран)

4. If you happy, if you merry clap your hands!


Дед мороз награждает всех участников конфетами и игрушками.

Праздничное чаепитие в традициях Английского Рождества.


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