Урок английского языка (5-6 классы).
Тема: Путешествие по Лондону
Обобщить знание учащихся по темам “My Family”, “Colors”, “The Numerals” и “Animals”.
Работать над произношением некоторых английских звуков.
Воспитывать у детей любовь к животным и окружающему миру.
Картинки с видами Лондона, физическая карта, мягких игрушки.
Ход урока:
Teacher: Good morning! Glad to see you again!
Pupils: Good morning, teacher!
Teacher: I’ve today promised we are going to London. Let’s see, are you ready for our flight? Have all of you bought the tickets? Show me them please.
Ученики показывать билеты, которые учитель на перемене, кладет каждому на парту.
Teacher: Great! We’re ready for our flight. So, put on, your belts, in a minute we’ll start to the country of fogs, to the country of the changeable weather — Great Britain. It is located on the Island.
Беседа о Великобритании
Звучит песня на английском языке (любая по усмотрению учителя)
Teacher: So we have landed! Say, please, what the language is this song on?
Pupil 1: In English.
Teacher: Do you speak English?
Pupil2: Yes, I do. I speak English very little.
Teacher: What country is this?
Pupil3: Great Britain.
Teacher: What is the capital of Great Britain?
Pupil4: London.
Teacher: Great! Now let’s go for a walk around London. London is a very ancient city with its peculiar architecture. Here, you can see many splendid old monuments of culture, buildings, squares.
На доске (или экране) – картинки с видами Лондона. Учитель называет достопримечательности на русском, а потом на английском языке.
Teacher: Трафальгарская площадь – Trafalgar Square, Собор Святого Павла – St Paul’s Cathedral, Пикадильская площадь – Piccadilly Circus, Вестминстерское аббатство – Westminster Abbey, Букингемский дворец – Buckingham Palace.
Повторение некоторых английских звуков.
Teacher: Walking around London we can meet English people. Not to be shamed for our English, let’s review our soundsand alphabet quickly.
Ребята хором повторяют звуки, затем поют песню “The ABC” или повторяют алфавит вслух.
Teacher: Put all the words on the blackboard in the alphabetic ordes:
Down, birthday, map, aunt, owl, easy, lemon, white, some, pig, not, dog, zoo.
Дети выполняют задание.
Teacher: Very Good. Now we are ready to meet any English man. Oh, look, who is coming! This is Mr. Sound.
Один из учеников (может быть старшеклассник) выступает в роли мистера Саунда. На нем костюм, рубашка с бабочкой, цилиндр, в руках трость.
Teacher: Mr. Sound is very strict and serious professor. He will be follow your speech. Try it, please!
Ученики читают стихи с повторяющимися звуками.
[u:] A cook has a good look
At the cookery book
[ᴂ] A black cat sat on a mat,
And ate a fat rat.
[w] Why do you cry Willie?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willie? Why, Willie?
Why, Willie? Why?
[ei] Rain, rain, go away!
Come again another day!
Little Sammy wants to play!
Teacher: You see Mr. Soung is smiling.He likes your pronunciation! I
Mr. Sound: Thanks! How clever of you! Well Done!
Teacher: Today our professor has a birthday. How will say “День рождения” in English?
Pupil 1: Birthday.
Teacher: O’kay! And now let’s sing our song. Its sung in America and Great Britain on birthdays. Our professor will be glad!
Pupils: Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, happy birthday,
Happy birthday to you!
Teacher: You see, how we need our knowledge! Now let’s say good-bye to our professor.
He’s in a hurry!
Puples: Goodbye Mr. Sound.
Mr. Sound: Bye, bye, children.
Повторение изученной лексики. Тема: “My family”.
Teacher: I see, you are sad. May be you miss your parents. People miss when whey are far away from their parents! Let’s remember them. Say mama in English
Pupil 1: Mother
Teacher: Папа
Pupil 2: Father.
Teacher: Say “Мамочка” in English.
Pupil 1: Mummy.
Teacher: “Папочка”?
Pupoil 2: Daddy.
Teacher: I’m sure you have your pets at home – cats, dogs, parrots? Do you love them? Say it English!
Pupil 1: I like my pussy!
Pupil 2: I like my dog!
Pupil 3: I like my Hamster.
Pupil 4: I like my parrot.
Тема: “Colors” (На экране “Пикадильская площадь”).
Teacher: We’re come to Piccadilly Circus. Look, how many people here! All of them dancing and singing. And a how many colored flags! What color are these flags?
Pupil 1: Red and white.
Pupil 2: Green and white.
Pupil 3: Red, blue and white.
Teacher: Look, what a big flag is!
Учитель указывает на флаг Великобритании.
Teacher: Who knows what county is this flag belong to?
Pupil 1: Great Britain
Teacher: You are right! What color are they?
Pupil 2: Blue, white, red.
Тема: “The numerals”
Учитель показывает картинку (или экран), на которой изображены люди, исполняющие шотландский танец.
Teacher: How many people are dancing? Let’s count.
Pupils: One, two, free, four.
Физкульт минутка:
Teacher: Let’s join them! We can do something. Let’s sing a song “Clap your hands”.
Дети встают и поют песню, одновременно хлопая в ладоши и выполняя движения соответствующие тексту.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Wash, wash, wash your face,
Wash your face together.
Wash, wash, wash your face,
Wash your face together.
Spin, spin, spin around,
Spin around together.
Spin, spin, spin around,
Spin around together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.
March, march, march, march to bed,
March to bed together.
March, march, march, march to bed,
March to bed together.
Тема: Animals
Teacher: I have an idea. There is a famous London zoo. Let’s organize a holiday for our little brother-pets. Say it in English. “Идите сюда, пожалуйста!”. It’s simple: “Come here, please!”
Ребята повторяю фразу несколько раз.Учитель расставляет на столе мягкие игрушки. Ребята “приглашают”, “собирают” животных, переставляя их со стола учителя на парту около доски.
Teacher: Children, say all the animals.
Pupil 1: A tiger.
Pupil 2: A fox.
Teacher: Let’s invite all the animals!
Pupil 1: Come here, tiger!
Pupil 2: Please, come here, fox!
Teacher: How nice all the animals are together. Let’s cheer up them! But first of all – a little surprise. Let all of you present a short poem to the animals.
Pupil 1: It’s an ostrich. Five weeks old,
It is proud strong and bold.
Pupil 2: Here is a little kangaroo.
Playing leapfrog in the Zoo.
Pupil 3: This tall animal’s a giraffe.
It’s two meters and a half.
Ребята читают стихи, взяв в руки игрушку – животное, о котором идет речь.
Teacher: Our animals are merry, but our travelling has come to the end. Let’s say good-bye to our animals and sing a song.
Дети поют песню: “Cocky Doodle”.
All around the garden. Cocky Doodle,
Doodle doo, doodle doo,
Now clap your hands, Cocky Doodle,
Doodle doo, doodle doo,
Now touch your toes, Cocky Doodle
Doodle doo, doodle doo,
Now stamp your feet. Cocky Doodle,
Doodle doo, doodle doo.
Итоги урока
Teacher: So we are in the plane. Soon we are landing! Put on your belts! I think you remember our trip, it’s so splendid! And now let’s say Good-bye! Good-bye children!
Pupils: Good-bye, teacher!