Министерство образования Республики Саха (Якутия)
МКОУ Кальвицкая основная общеобразовательная школа
План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме “Music”
The Topic Of The Lesson: Music
Class: 7 D
Date: 14th of October, Tuesday
Room: 42
School: National Polytechnic Secondary School №2
Цели урока:
1. Научить употреблять лексику по теме в речи учащихся
2. Ввести в употребление фразу I like listening to…
3. Совершенствовать умения и навыки чтения с полным охватом содержания
4. Совершенствовать навыки аудирования.
5. Воспитывать эстетические качества учащихся.
6. Повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка;
Тип занятия:Урок изучения и первичного закрепления новых знаний, мультимедиа-урок.
Вид занятия:Урок — презентация с использованием интерактивной доски.
• Учебник «Английский язык нового тысячелетия» для 7 класса.
(Н.Н. Деревянко, С.В. Жаворонкова, Л.В. Козятинская)
• Компьютерная презентация в формате Microsoft PowerPoint
• Аудиокассета к учебнику «New Millennium English 7»
Оснащение: аудиозапись, mp3 композиции, магнитола, проектор, экран – интерактивная доска, компьютер, флэш-накопитель на 8 гигабайт, колонки.
1. Оргмомент.
T.: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to see you again! What date is it today? Who is missing? Today we are going to speak about music, musical instruments, types of music, singers. If we have a time at the end of the lesson, we will play a little and sing a nice song.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
T.: First, look at the interactive whiteboard. Let’s learn and pronounce new words! Read these words and repeat after me! All together! Repeat them one by one!
Now, open your books on page 39 look at ex. 1. You should match musical instruments and their names. Ok, check your answers.
1. Guitar
4. Flute
7. Violin
2. Drums
5. Keyboards
8. Saxophone
3. Piano
6. Bagpipes
3. Речевая зарядка
T.: Answer the questions:
-What musical instruments can you play?
— I can play …
— I can play anything.
— I can’t play …
— I can play piano a little.
— What musical instruments would you like to play?
— I would like to play violin.
— I’d like to play …
4. Аудирование
a) T.: Open the page 39, look at ex. 2a. Listen and say what musical instrument the musicians are playing.
b) T.: Listen to nine pieces of music and say what types they are. What type of music is it?
(Новые ЛЕ)
1. Rap
2. Pop
3. Rock
4. House
5. R-n-b
6. Country
7. Folk
8. Techno
9. Classical
4. Чтение с полным пониманием.
a) Введение новых лексических единиц.
(Предтекстовая подготовка)
T.: Look at the new words. What does it mean?
Percent — %
Similar = the same
Habits = tastes
Folk choir – image on the picture
T.: Now, open the book on page 35. ex.3b. Read the report one by one.
p.35, ex.4
a) Read the text;
b) Complete the sentences
T.: I start – you finish
1) Forty percent of pupils …
2) Two girls …
3) Pupils in Class …
c) Answer the questions:
How many pupils are interested in pop music?
How many per cent of pupils like listening to rap?
5. Введение грамматической структуры: I like listening to…
Do you like listening to rock? (pop, r-n-b)
— Yes, I do
— No, I don’t
What type of music do you like listening to?
I like listening to house.
T.: What singer do you like listening to? I like listening to ….
Look at the pictures, please.
Let’s guess the famous singers
6. Физкультминутка “Guess the singer”
T.: I have a surprise for you.
Let’s listen the famous singers and answer the question:
Who sings this song?
1. 50 cent
2. Dima Bilan
3. Rihanna
4. Pussycat Dolls & Will I.M.
5. Nelly Furtado & Timbaland
7.Домашнее задание.
p. 34 ex. 2 c.
You must say what music you like and why.
Use the words from box. Make up the sentences as in example.
For example: I like listening to rock. It’s fantastic.
I like listening to pop because it’s relaxing.
8. Подведение итогов.
T.: So it’s time to finish up. You were great today. What did you know this day?
1) What musical instruments can you name?
2) What types of music do you know?
3) How can you say in English “Мне нравится слушать?”
4) Who is your favourite singer?
5) What type of music do you like listening to?
You marks are…
10. Песня.
T.: Let’s sing a nice song: Danny & Therese – If Only You.
First, you listen the song, read the words of this song.
Now, sing together! (В это время нужно включить видеоклип и раздать слова песни, можно вывести учащихся к доске и петь хором)
Look were we are falling apart
And nothing seams to mend
This state of you, this state of me, mmh
Who do you think you’re fooling now?
I guess we’ll never find it out
Who do you think you fooling now, now?
If only you, if only you, could see that I’m Burning, if only you, would know how I’m hurting
All for you, if only you
I guess it’s all right I keep my head high
You’ll never see me cry
Confused over you, better by me, yeah
Who do you think now? you’re fooling
I guess we’ll never find it out
Who do you think you fooling now, now?
If only you, if only you, could see that I’m Burning, if only you, would know how I’m hurting
All for you, if only you
If only you, would know me better
If only you would listen better
If only you would see me better
If only you would hear me better
Set me free, before you press delete
If only you, could see that I’m burning, if only you would know how I’m hurting, all for you
If only you, if only you
11. Дополнительное упражнение (На усмотрение учителя)
The lesson is over. Good-bye, everyone!