Открытый урок 7 класс

Тема: « Обсуждение TV программ.

Урок формирования языковых и речевых навыков »

Цель: (совершенствовать) актуализировать знания, развивать навыки говорения по теме урока



-отрабатывать владение лексическим материалом,

-развивать навыки сопоставительного анализа и обобщение языковых явлений при изучении темы

-учить применять знания в повседневной жизни


Познавательные УУД:

-формировать умение представлять информацию в виде алгоритма

-формировать умение сравнивать, обобщить информацию и представить её публике

-находить и извлекать необходимую информацию в учебнике

-развивать навыки поискового чтения

Регулятивные УУД:

-формировать умение концентрировать внимание

-развивать умение контролировать и корректировать свою деятельность, самостоятельно выполнять предложенное задание

Коммуникативные УУД

-формировать умение работать в группе, паре

-учить представлять результат работы в группе, паре

Личностные результаты:

формировать положительную мотивацию к обучению

-создавать позитивное эмоциональное отношение учеников к уроку и предмету

Оборудование: презентация Power point, телевизор, раздаточный материал

Тип урока: комбинированный

Методы обучения: иллюстративно-коммуникативный, метод интервью, метод проектов, коммуникативный

Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая, парная

Ход урока

1. Вступительная часть

-Good afternoon my dear friends! Let’s start our lesson. I’m really happy to meet you today at our unusual lesson. At first let me introduce myself. My name is…. And I will be your teacher of English today.

What do you like to do at your English lessons? To read, to speak, to do smth….

Think a little, what you want that we’ll do today. Write and say.

Do you like to learn a tongue twister?

Фонетическая разминка

Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People

2. Основная часть.

Let’s think about what is the theme of our lesson? (тема)

(ребус TV programmes)

OK, and by the end of the lesson we’ll be able to introduce your favourite TV program.

Речевая зарядка

How often do you watch TV?

What type of programmes do you know?

(Science, reality, documentary, sports, music, news, political …

What is your favourite TV program?

Now let’s play the game “snow-ball”.

I say: “When I come home I turn on the TV and watch news”. The next student says for example: “When I come home I turn on the TV and watch news and music programmes” and so on. Are you ready? Let’s begin!

Активизация лексического материала

Work in pairs. Match the definition

Science programmes

Programmes about knowledge of physical world


information about something that has happened recently

Music programmes

If you hear pleasure sounds, you’ll watch this type of program

Talk show

television or radio programmes in which famous people talk about themselves and their work

Reality show

television programmes that do not use professional actors but show real events and situations involving ordinary people

Sports programmes

Programmes about people, who are physically active.

Контроль навыков чтения

Read the dialogues ex. 3 p.42 and say who wants to watch…….?

And now let’s imagine that we are reporters. Do you want to work hard as true reporters?

Ok! At first let’s make a short monitoring [ˈmɒnɪt(ə)rɪŋ].

You have to ask each other; ask our guests what types of TV programmes do they often watch? Why?





Talk show

Reality show

Физкультминутка (видео) (The penguin dance )

Put your hands up in the air and shake your booties round

Hand up on your toes and turn around around

Hands way up high, hands way down low

Stamp with your feet and jump, jump, jump

Контроль навыков аудирования

Listen to the text. For questions 1-5, decide where they are true or false according to the test.


The first commercial television broadcast was made on the twenties of April , 1939 by Radio Corporation оf America. Since 1939, TV has become one of the most important facts of modern life. Television is very much a part of the modern world and its effects are felt all over the world.

Television is a reflection (отражение), say some people, of contemporary society (современное общество). It affects customs and culture, others say.

Television is bad for society, because it keeps culture from growing, say still others. Good or bad, television is difficult to avoid. Its pictures enter homes, stores, airports, and offices. It is here to stay.

1. The Radio Corporation of America is important in the modern world. _______

2. Television has wide influence. _______

3. Television is bad for culture, some people say. __________

4. Television only provides us information but doesn’t affect customs and culture. _

5. Some people try to avoid television. _________

Обмен с соседями

Let’s change the paper with your partner

Контроль навыков говорения через групповую работу

And now let’s work in groups (4 persons) you have to write some sentences about your favourite TV program

Look here you have to notice:

The name of your program

About what is it?

For what ages: children, teens, adults

At what time it’ll be show at the TV?

Why do you advise us to watch it?

Make a picture

And introduce it to us….



Заключительный этап

What did we do at our lesson?

Your marks are…

Thank you very much. Good bye, children. See you.


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