МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа – интернат с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов для одаренных детей» Сабинского муниципального района РТ»
Предмет: английский язык 8 класс
Автор: воспитатель Садыкова Гузель Ильхамовна
2013 г
Тема: Popular Sports.
Цель урока:
Развитие предметной, коммуникативной компетентностей.
Развитие умений и навыков устной и письменной речи,
Развитие умений и навыков аудирования.
Развитие умений и навыков чтения.
Практическая задача:
1) организовать тренировку учащихся в использовании слов по теме «Спорт» в ответах на вопросы учителя;
2) организовать повторение словообразовательных элементов-er, —ist при выполнении письменного задания;
3) организовать аудирование учащимися текста о правилах игр различных видов спорта в предъявлении записи на аудиокассете;
4) ознакомить учащихся с употреблением The Present Perfect Passive.
Развивающая задача:
1) создать условия для развития внимания и логического мышления при ответах на вопросы учителя, закреплении грамматического материала;
2) создать условие для развития умения распределять внимание между содержанием речи и правильным использованием языковых форм.
Воспитательная задача:
1) воспитывать умение слушать отвечающего и себя;
2) воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Образовательная задача:
1) расширение знаний учащихся о стране изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: проектор, интерактивная доска для выполнения письменного задания, учебник, грамматический справочник учебника.
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент.
а) Приветствие класса:
Teacher: Good morning!
I am very glad to see you today.
How are you today?
Pupils: Morning!
Glad to see you, too.
We are fine, thanks.
b) Беседа:
Teacher: Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day of the week is it today?
Who is absent today?
What was your home task?
Pupil: I am.
It is the 14th of November.
It is Tuesday today.
All are present today.
We were to learn the words, to make up dialogues.
c) Сообщение плана урока:
Teacher: Today we are to practice the words, to practice the difference of the verbs to go, to do and to play and to check up your home task, to learn new grammar material.
II.Речевая зарядка.
Teacher: Answer my question.
— What is your favourite sport?
Pupil 1: — My favorite sport is hockey.
Pupil 2: — My favorite sport is volleyball.
Pupil 3: — My favorite sport is running.
Pupil 4: — My favorite sport is jumping.
… .
(Учащиеся отвечают на этот вопрос и задают его друг другу по цепочке.)
Teacher: -Why is sport so important in our life?
Pupil1: I think to have a healthy mind you must have a healthy body.
Pupil2: I am sure sports build character.
Pupil3: I believe it teaches you about life.
Pupil4: In my opinion sport helps people to become good friends.
Pupil5: As for me I think it teaches you to win and to lose.
Pupil6: Without doubt it makes you strong.
Pupil7: Mainly it teaches you to be disciplined.
III. Словарная работа.
Teacher: What are winter sports?
Pupil1: skating.
Pupil2: snowboarding.
Pupil3: skiing.
Pupil4: bobsledding.
Pupil5: ice hockey.
Pupil6: downhill skiing.
Teacher: What are summer sports?
Pupil1: horse-racing.
Pupil2: tennis.
Pupil3: sailing.
Pupil4: baseball.
Pupil5: rowing.
Pupil6: handball.
Pupil7: cycling.
Pupil8: windsurfing.
Pupil9: football.
( Повторение тематической лексики.)
IV. Тренировка словообразовательных элементов в письменном упражнении.
( проверка домашнего задания).
Teacher: People who go in for different sports have different names.
-How do we call a person who plays football?
Pupil1: He/she is a football player or a footballer.
Teacher: -How do we call a person who plays handball?
Pupil2: He/she is a handball player.
Teacher:-How do we call a person who plays baseball?
Pupil3: He/She is a baseball player.
Teacher:-How do we call a person who plays tennis?
Pupil4: He/She is a tennis player.
Teacher:-How do we call a person who does judo?
Pupil5: He/She is a Judaist.
Teacher:-How do we call a person who does weight lifting?
Pupil6: He/She is a weight lifter.
Teacher:-How do we call a person who goes swimming?
Pupil7: He/She is a swimmer.
Teacher:-How do we call a person who goes jumping?
Pupil8: He/She is a jumper.
Teacher:-How do we call a person who goes running?
Pupil9: He/She is a runner.
Teacher:-How do we call a person who goes windsurfing?
Pupil10: He/She is a windsurfer.
Teacher:-How do we call a person who goes mountaineering?
Pupil11: He/She is a mountaineer.
Teacher:-How do we call a person who rides a bike?
Pupil12: He/She is a bicyclist.
( Учащиеся прослушивают текст о правилах игры различных видов спорта в предъявлении записи на компьютере.)
Teacher: Match the sport or game to the appropriate set of rules.
Sport quiz.
1. Table-tennis.
2. Water polo.
3. Volleyball.
4. Judo.
5. Football.
6. Cricket.
The game can be played by two or four players. The players should not wear white. The players must change position after each game. The ball must touch the table on both sides of the net each time it is hit.
Each team must have six players. The server may hit the ball with his/her hand or any part of the arm. He/She must release the ball from his/ her other hand before hitting it. Players must not touch the net.
Each team may have up to eleven players. Only seven of whom are allowed to play at the same time. One team should wear blue caps, the other white. Players must not splash water into an opponent`s face.
The two contestants must bow to each other at the start of the contest. They should wear white clothing. Contestants must only attack the arms and legs of their opponent. They should not get overexcited.
A very popular summer game played with a ball, a bat and wickets by two teams of eleven players in each.
Each team must have six players. The two teams should wear different colours. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to play the ball with his /her hands or arms.
(После прослушивания текста учащиеся выполняют задание.)
Pupil1: I think the first text is about table-tennis.
Pupil2: I am sure the next text is about volleyball.
Pupil3: As for me I think the third text is about water polo.
Pupil4: I believe the fourth text is about judo.
Pupil5: Without doubt the fifth text is about cricket.
Pupil6: Surely, the sixth text is about football.
VI. Работа с тематическим текстом.
Teacher: Open your books at page 120, please. What are the main dates in the history of football? Give your suggestions.
Football has been played for hundred of years.
since 1863.
since the 19th century.
Football has been played since early times.
with proper (right, correct) since 1863.
rules since the 19th century.
The FA Cup competitions since the end of the 19th century.
have been held since the middle of the 19th century.
since 1863.
(Учащиеся выражают свои догадки).
Teacher: Now read the text and find the correct answers. Compare your suggestions with the facts from the story.
(Учащиеся читают текст и проверяют свои ответы).
Football has been played in one form or another for hundred of years. First it was a very rude and hard game. There were no rules. But since 1863 it has been played with proper rules. That year the Football Association (the FA) was started. Its first job was to get a set of rules for all teams. By the end of the 19th century almost every town had its own team. The modern game was introduced to other countries by British soldiers, seamen and businessmen. Nowadays, nearly every country has its own football team. One of the main competitions of the football season is the FA Cup. It has been held every May at the famous Wembley stadium in London since the middle of the 19th century.
VII. Работа с грамматическим материалом.
Учитель обращает внимание учащихся на функциональные и формальные особенности Present Perfect Passive в предложениях выведенных на слайде.
1) Football has been played for hundred of years.
2) Football has been played with proper rules since 1863.
3) The FA Cup competitions have been held since the middle of the 19th century.
Наиболее подготовленные ученики могут сами самостоятельно сделать вывод об образовании данной видовременной формы. Остальным учащимся учитель поясняет правило образования предложений с данной структурой с помощью грамматического справочника.
Grammar in focus
Present Perfect Passive
Expressing the action that began some time ago and still is going on. The doer of the action is unknown or unimportant.
The Present Perfect Passive is formed with have/ has been + past participle.
Football has been played for hundred of years.
The FA Cup competitions have been held at the
Wembley stadium since the middle of the 19th century.
VIII. Тренировка грамматического материала.
Teacher: Read the sentences on the slide, please.
(Учащиеся читают предложения ).
1) Running competitions were held in ancient times. And they are still held.
2) The first Tour de France cycling race was held in 1926. And till the present a lot of sportsmen take part in it.
3) Goodwill Games were organized for the first time in 1984 and became very popular. They take place four years.
4) People played tennis a thousand years ago. And it is popular.
5) The first modern Olympic Games took place a century ago. And they are still held.
6) For the first time the professional golf contest – the Ryder Cup – was held in 1927. Since that time it is organized every year.
7) Rugby was started as a game in the 19th century. And now it is one of the most popular games.
8) The London Marathon was first run in 1981. And it became very popular.
Teacher: These notes are too long if you write a sport report for a newspaper. How can you reduce the sentences but save their meaning?
( Ученики должны попытаться трансформировать предложения самостоятельно. Если никто из них не сможет это сделать, учитель предлагает посмотреть пример на слайде).
Teacher1: The Tour de France cycling race have been held since 1926.
Teacher2: Goodwill Games have been held since 1984.
Teacher3: Tennis has been played for thousand years.
Teacher4: The modern Olimpic Games have been held since 1927.
Teacher5: The Ryder Cup has been organized since 1927.
Teacher5: Rugby has been played since the 19th century.
Teacher6: The London Marathon has been held since 1981.
IX. Подведение итогов урока.
Teacher: Today at the lesson we practiced the words on the topic “Sport”, checked up your home task, did the sport quiz, learned new grammar material.
X .Домашнее задание.
Teacher: At home you will make a short report on one of these sports – cycling race, golf, cricket, football, tennis, horse races.