
Пенькова Л. И.

Тема: Беседа по теме ,,Здоровье”

Задачи: — развитие навыков чтения;

— формирование лексических навыков;

— развитие навыков аудирования;

— развитие внимания, памяти, мышления;

— воспитание здорового образа жизни.

Оборудование: карточки с текстом, тематическая картины.

Ход урока

I Организационная беседа. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

Dear friends, glad to see. You may sit down.

We’ll start our lesson. Today we are going to

continue the topic “Health”. We’ll repeat

words, do exercises. The aim of the lesson is

development of you speech, reading. We’ll

start the lesson with phonetic exercise.

II Фонетическая зарядка. Работа с пословицей:

Prevention is better than cure.

1) фонетическая отработка пословицы;

2) перевод пословицы учащимися;

3) высказывания учащимися о том, как они

понимают пословицу.

III Речевая зарядка по теме ,,Здоровье”.

в режиме Т→Р1→Р2

1 Task 1.What food good for you is?

2.If he/she eats a lot of vegetables fruit?

3.How he/she burns calories?

4.What kind of bread she/he prefers?

5.What his/her favourite food is?

6.If he/she likes convenient food?

7.What food a person should eat to be healthy?

8.If people must follow a healthy style of life?

IV Проверка домашнего задания ex. A – p.106 текст “Healthy”.

а) отработка слов: honesty, insurance office,

actually, quietly, couple, imanination;

b) чтение текста по ролям;

с) беседа по тексту в режиме Т→Р123

1.Where did a young man go?

2.What did he want?

3.What did the manager ask the young man about?

4.What did the other manager advise him?

5.Did he follow his advice?

d) найти русским выражениям английские


пара вопросов → a couple of questions

болезнь → illness

нездоровый → unhealthy

проблемы о здоровьем → problems with healthy

используйте свое → use your imagination


немедленно → immediately

сильно увлекаться чем-то → keen on

e) анализ на словообразование на примере

слова unhealthy → health

(pref) un → health ← y (suf)

V Аудирование рассказа “Doctors recommendation”

Mr Smith felt very bad. One of his friends advised him to go to a doctor.

Mr Smith decided to follow his advice. When the doctor examined him he told him to go to a village and stay there for a month, to go to bed early, drink milk, eat a lot of vegetables and smoke only one cigar a day. “if you take my advice,” said the doctor, “you will soon feel well.” Mr Smith looked a little surprised when he heard the doctor’s advice, but the doctor did not see it.

A month later Mr Smith came to the doctor again. “How are you?” the doctor asked him. “You look better now. Did my advice help you?” “Thank you,” said Mr Smith, “I did all you had recommended me to do. I went to the country, I ate a lot of vegetables. But one cigar a day nearly killed me. You see it is impossible to begin smoking at my age

3 учся инсценируют рассказ:

1учся автор, 2учся врач, 3учся пациент

1) просмотр инсценировки;

2) контроль понимания услышанного и


Выбрать правильный ответ на вопрос

1. One of Mr Smith’s friends advised him

a) to take medicine

b) to go to a sanatorium

c) to go to a doctor.

2. The doctor told Mr Smith

a) to swim

b) to drink milk, eat a lot of vegetables and smoke one cigar a day

c) to smoke three cigars a day

3. It was difficult for the man

a) to stop smoking

b) to continue smoking

c) to begin smoking

1 c; 2 b; 3c.

3) самоконтроль: учащиеся сверяют свои ответы с ответами на обратной стороне доски.

VI Чтение юмора по теме”Healthy”. Прочитать и озаглавить текст.

1) чтение текста про себя;

2) обсуждение заголовка.

VII Объяснение домашнего задания. Повторить лексику по теме

,,Продукты”. упр. 1 стр. 91;

упр. 4 стр.94; упр. 5 стр. 95.

VIII Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок.


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