Урок в 9 «А» классе
“The Prisoners of If Castle”
Учитель – Силантьева Татьяна Сергеевна
Дата проведения – 18 октября 2012 г.
Цель урока – отработка употребления условных придаточных предложений II и III типов.
Задачи урока:
научить учащихся самостоятельно моделировать ситуацию;
повторить использованный материал;
сформировать у учащихся креативность мышления.
Наглядность: таблицы, картины с достопримечательностями Лондона, портреты Шекспира, Бернса, ТСО.
План урока.
I. Приветствие. Организационный момент.
Учитель: Hello, boys and girls.
Дети: Hello.
У.: How are you?
Д.: Fine, thank you. And you?
У.: I’m fine, too, thank you. Glad to see you.
Д.: Glad to see you, too.
У.: So, boys and girls, the theme of our lesson today is “The Prisoners of If Castle”. You see, we shall train the usage of the Subjunctive Mood. Let us start. Thus, how many kinds of if-clauses are there in the English language?
Д.: There are four types. They are: the zero, the first, the second and the third ones.
У.: What grammar tenses are there in these sentences?
Д.: In the zero if-clause which is used for common truths we use Pr.Simple, and in the main clause there is Pr.Simple, too.
E.g. If I study, I know.
Далее учащиеся повторяют грамматическое правило на употребление придаточных предложений условия I, II и III типов с примерами.
У.: Well, boys and girls. Now let us revise the usage of mixed clauses. So when do we use the third conditional clause?
Д.: When we speak about historical events, facts, dates, etc.
For example: If there hadn’t been the Second World War, more people would be alive.
So, the scheme is III-II.
У.: Thank you, children. And will you give the pattern of scheme II-III?
Д.: Welcome, dear teacher.
If there weren’t Wars, we wouldn’t have known the names of A. Matrosov, N. Gastello and so on.
II. У.: Ok. And now I want you to continue this topic. You are welcome to think over this thing:
What would happen and what would have happened if there weren’t the British Isles? You are divided into two teams and one team will use the scheme II-III, and the other one will use the scheme II-II for the answer. You are welcome to use the materials from the topics “English in the Third Millenium”, “London”, “William Shakespeare”, “Travelling”, “Scotland”. Children, you are given 5 minutes.
Учащиеся в течение 5 минут обсуждают тему, вырабатывают варианты ответов.
У.: So, children, welcome. The first team, please. What would have happened, if…?
1-ая команда:
— If there weren’t the British Isles, two million people wouldn’t have spoken it a thousand years ago.
— …, the English language wouldn’t have become the most influential language in the world.
— …, it wouldn’t have dominated the most science, business, mass media and popular culture nowadays.
— …, it wouldn’t have become a global lingua franca recently.
— …, London wouldn’t have become the most fascinating centre in the world.
— …, people would have never seen such sightseeings like Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Hide Park, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, etc.
— …, we would have never recited Hamlet’s monologue or Shakerspeare’s sonnets.
— …, we wouldn’t have known about the great English explorers like Robert Scott and others.
У.: All right, children, thank you. Now, the second team, it’s your turn, please.
2-ая команда:
— If there weren’t the British Isles, people wouldn’t travel there.
— …, governments around the world wouldn’t protect smaller languages.
— …, the frightening prospect of a culturally uniform world wouldn’t totally dominate.
— …, we wouldn’t speak about linguistic and cultural diversity.
— …, the most e-mail messages would be in other languages.
— …, we wouldn’t know English and American writers and poets.
— …, there would be other names in the exploration of the world.
III. У.: Ok, children thank you. And now you are welcome to listen to a song and then you’ll describe the main idea of it.
The song “If I had a hammer”.
У.: So, what is the main idea?
Д.: The song is devoted to fighting for the people’s rights. The singer speaks about the tools for it – the hammer, the bell and the song.
У.: Can you name great campaigners?
Д.: Well, they are M. L. King, Mother Teresa, V. Gavel, M. Gorbachov, A. Sakharov, D. Likhachov and others.
IV. У.: Ok. And now I propose you to play a game. “If I were famous, what would I do?” The point is you will play in a chain: one pupil starts, another one goes on.
Учащиеся играют по цепочке с использованием лексики “Great People”, “Travelling”, например,
1) If I were famous, I would visit different places on the globe and speak about peace.
2) If I spoke about peace, I would have to do a lot for charity.
3) If I had to do a lot for charity, I would help other people.
4) If I helped other people, I would explore many unknown regions.
и так далее.
V. Ok, boys and girls. Let us round it up. You see, that you can do a lot of things, because you are active, creative and selfish. And, besides, you have got excellent opportunities for your choice and your future career.
Thank you for you work.