
Внеклассное мероприятие для 9 класса

А. А. Гордеева,

МОУ «СОШ № 38»

Краеведение… Этим занимались земляне с древнейших времен. Старшие вели по своему краю, по своей территории проживания младших, показывая и объясняя, чем богата и интересна их земля. И так из поколения в поколение…

Так человек становится Человеком, а Родина становится Отечеством. “Родина — место, где мы родились; Отечество — Родина, мною осознанная”. Это слова Михаила Пришвина, горячо любившего свой родной край.

В настоящее время появилась необходимость в межкультурных связях. О чем мы можем рассказать своим зарубежным друзьям? Прежде всего, о земле, на которой живем, о нашей малой родине, дорогих нашему сердцу Сибири, Кузбассе.

Цель: совершенствование языковых умений и навыков на основе краеведческого материала.

Задачи: развивать глубокий интерес к познанию своей малой родины, расширять кругозор учащихся об окружающем мире, воспитывать чувство толерантности, не впадать в “этноэгоизм”.

Оснащение: компьютерная презентация, карточки с заданиями, сборник по краеведению, кроссворды, карта Кемеровской области, фотоматериалы, ТСО (компьютер, проектор, экран).

Учебный аспект:

  • развитие речевых умений (говорить, писать, общаться);

  • закрепить речевые образцы, грамматические структуры, лексику по теме;

  • знакомство учащихся с достопримечательностями Кемерова и Ленинска-Кузнецкого.

Развивающий аспект:

  • развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению речевых единиц, к логическому изложению содержания высказывания, развитие коммуникабельности, умения осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия;

  • развитие способности к догадке (по речевым образцам и опорам), способности логически излагать и обобщать свои высказывания, развитие личностной активности

Воспитательный аспект:

  • формирование патриотического отношения к своему городу, воспитание уважительного отношения к своей родной культуре, формирование ценностного отношения к историческому прошлому и настоящему своего края и чувства гордости за свою малую Родину;

  • формирование способности работать в группе, достигать согласия в условиях различных взглядов, воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу.

Подготовительная работа: индивидуальная работа с отдельными учащимися (гиды-ведущие), отработка грамматических структур, опорных фраз и лексики по теме “КУЗБАСС”, беседы по краеведению, работа над презентацией группы учащихся совместно с учителем информатики.

Ход мероприятия

  1. Приветствие, сообщение целей

Good afternoon to everyone. Today we have an unusual lesson. We’ll exchange our information with each other, play different games and at the end of our meeting we’ll have tea time. Today we have 2 teams of students from our region. Let’s introduce yourself.

  1. Представление команд

Каждая команда представляет себя, используя домашние заготовки.

  1. Представление и защита проектов

People like traveling and learn more about other countries, but unfortunately when they are asked about their country or region they can tell only few words about it. We decided to correct it.

Each group had to find information about our region or our town and tell us about it. So, are you ready?

Каждая группа приготовила проект — презентацию по теме «Кузбасс – мой родной край» или «Мой родной город» (как домашнее задание).

Listen to each other very attentively, because I’ll ask you some questions and you’ll have tasks.

The 1st group. We would like to tell you about our region and its capital.


Pupil 1: The beautiful land called Siberia that stretches from the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the southern boundaries of Russia with Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia reveals its new features to the world and gives a chance to get acquainted with the today’s life of numerous peoples of Russia. Today Siberia is a highly industrialized region with developed transportation network. Wealthy nature, unique in its climatic and health-giving properties, adds charm and peculiarity to Siberia. Siberia played its special role in the history of Russia during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) when the factories of the European part of the country were urgently evacuated to the hinterland closer to the sources of raw materials. Many industrial plants became town-forming enterprises.

Pupil 2: We live in Kuzbass (Kuznetsk coal basin).

The Kemerovo region was formed on the 26 of January in 1943. It is one of the most important industrial centre of our country.

The region is located in the southern part of the Western Siberia. The mountain relief is the characteristic for the two thirds of the territory of Kuzbass.

21400 rivers flow on the Kemerovo region. The largest are Tom, Kiya, Yaya.

The largest lake is Large Berchikul. Its area is about 32 square kilometers.

Kuzbass is rich in mineral water and medical mud.

Forests cover almost 63% of the regions territory.

The present governor of the Kemerovo region is Aman Tuleev. He pays much attention to the development of the region. He does everything for us and we respect him very much (слайд 1).

Pupil 3: The Kemerovo region is famous all over the world first of all for its mineral resources: iron, copper, gold, polymetals and other ones.

But the main wealth of the region is the Kuznetsk black coal basin one of the largest in the world.

In 1721 Mikhailo Volkov discovered the black coal on the right bank of the Tom River (слайд 2).

The Kemerovo region is not agricultural that is explained by high urbanization.

The region consists of:

  • 18 towns of region importance: Kemerovo, Kiselevsk, Mariinsk, Taiga, Yurga, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, etc.;

— 19 districts: Belovski, Kemerovski, Mezdurechenski, Topkinski, Chebulinski and so on (слайд 3).

The urban population makes 83% and rural population makes only 13%.

In the northern areas wheat barley and oats are grown. The cattle breeding includes grangers cattle and pig breeding beekeeping and fur trade.

Pupil 4: Kemerovo is the administrative centre of the Kemerovo region (слайд 4).

Kemerovo sprang up on the place of ancient Russian settlements. The first name of the town was Scheglovo. In 1703 there were only six houses in it.

Today Kemerovo is a modern industrial cultural scientific centre economically connected with all the regions of Russia and foreign countries.

Pupil 1: Kemerovo is also a cultural capital of Kuzbass. Each Kemerovite and the guests of the town have a wide range of opportunities to become involved in art (слайд 5).

There are 4 permanent professional theatres and 2 amateur theatres in Kemerovo. The best known and the oldest one is the Lunacharsky Drama Theatre, which dates back to the year of 1932.

During the 2nd World War there appeared the second theatre, well known as the Bobrov Musical Comedy Theatre. The development of this theatre is connected with the name of A. Andrianov, who brought up a number of gifted actors.

One of the most favorite places for little Kemerovites to go is the Gaidar Puppet Theatre (founded in February 1942), which performances are always a great success with children and their parents. 360 first night performances have been staged since the foundation of the theatre.

Pupil 2: Teenagers of Kemerovo enjoy visiting the Theatre for Children and Youth, which was opened some years ago. Its young cast makes the performances understandable, vivid and touching teens’ souls and hearts.

The State Philharmonic is the largest professional concert organization in Kemerovo region (слайд 6).

A number of famous actors and directors, such as V. Samoilov, A. Burkov, E. Grishkovets started their career in Kemerovo theatres. Theatre-goers admire the talent of L. Tsukanova, E. Shokin, V. Miroshnichenko and many other actors and actresses.

Kemerovo theatre companies have been on tours in many cities of Russia, and their mastery and staging have been highly appreciated by critics, specialists and people of different ages.

Pupil 3: Not only has Kemerovo got many theatres, it is also rich in museums, which can meet all the interests (Слайды 7, 8. Музеи г. Кемерово: Томская Писаница, Красная горка, Музей прикладного искусства).

The most well known are:

  • The Kemerovo Museum of Fine Arts;

  • The Kemerovo Museum of Regional Studies;

  • The museum “Krasnaya Gorka”;

  • The museum “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”.

The Museum of Fine Arts is the largest art center in the Kemerovo region. Every year they have up to 50 exhibitions.

The Museum of Regional Studies was founded in 1920. It gives its visitors full understanding of the nature and history of the Kemerovo region. There are over 80,000 displays in ethnography, social anthropology, mineralogy, archaeology, etc.

The Krasnaya Gorka museum is the museum of the history of Kemerovo. It was founded in 1992.

The Tomskaya Pisanitsa museum is situated 50 km from Kemerovo and occupies 152 km2 of wood. It was founded in 1988. It has several displays, the most famous of which are “The Russian Siberian Village”, “Time and calendar”, “Epos and mythology” and “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”. Children can visit its Zoo with bears, wolves, foxes, elks etc. It is really worth seeing.

Pupil 4: Kemerovo is the most important educational centre in the region (слайд 9). It is a town of students. There are 10 higher educational institutions in it:

  • the State University;

  • the State Technical University;

  • the State Academy of Medicine;

  • the Institute of Food Technology;

  • the Academy of Agriculture;

  • the State Academy of Culture and Art;

  • Moscow Institute of Commerce and Law;

  • Military Institute of Communication;

  • the Institute of Coal and Coal Fuel Industry.

The State University is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Kemerovo. It was founded about 55 years ago, first as a teachers’ college. And it has been called the State University for about 30 years. There are 11 faculties at the University. In addition, there are 3 branches of the University in the towns of the region. At the University 19 professions are possible to acquire. They are law, biology, history, international relations, psychology, social work, physical education and sports, foreign languages and many others. According to the Gallup polls, the most popular jobs now are a lawyer, an economist, an interpreter and a computer programmer. They are all taught at the State University.

Pupil 5: Besides there are a lot of different colleges where people can go for vocational training and get a technical secondary education. For example, if you want to be a nurse, you should study at the Medical College. There are also two educational colleges. To work as a teacher, you should go to the Primary School Teacher’s Training College. If you have a calling for the children upbringing in the kindergarten you’d better choose the Pre-School Teachers’ Training College (слайд 10).

There are a lot of innovative schools in the city. They are Lyceum, Gymnasium № 41, the Science Gymnasium № 62, the Linguistic Gymnasium № 21 and others.

Students can also get the second higher education at the Center of the skill improvement and the Refresher Courses, attached to the Institute of Advanced Teaching Studies.

Any dream of the future profession can be carried out in our town.

Kemerovo is a modern city with something for everyone. Don’t miss the chance to visit it! (Слайд 11.)

Teacher: Thank you for your interesting information. Do you have any questions? (учащиеся из второй группы задают вопросы, которые они составляют во время выступления 1 группы).

Teacher: And now we’d like to know your information.

  1. Систематизация и контроль полученных знаний

Teacher: The next task is Agree or Disagree with my statements.

(За каждый правильный ответ команда получает по баллу. Задание выполняется всей группой, фиксируется на бланках.)

  • Leninsk-Kuznetsky is one of the largest towns of Kuzbass. (True)

  • The present governor of the Kemerovo region is Adan Tuleev. (False)

  • The Tomskaya Pisanitsa museum is situated 15 km from Kemerovo. (False)

  • There are a lot of innovative schools in the Kemerovo. (True)

  • Kuzbass regional pedagogical institute is located in our town. (True)

  • Leninsk-Kuznetsky is situated in the eastern part of the Kemerovo region in the center of Kuznetsk hollow. (False)

  • Kemerovo is the most important educational centre in the region. (True)

  • Kemerovo is not the administrative centre of the Kemerovo region. (False)

  • Many years ago Leninsk-Kuznetsky was known as a village Kolchugino. (True)

  • . There is a local historical museum and 3 exhibition halls in our town. (False)

  • Mariya Filatova, two times Olympic Champion, lived in Leninsk-Kuznetsky many years ago. (True)

Заполнение кроссворда (время выполнения задания — 5 минут).

1. The capital of our region (Kemerovo)

2. A small town between Novokuznetsk and Leninsk-Kuznetsky (Belovo)

3. He discovered the black coal on the right bank of the Tom River (Volkov)

4. The present governor of the Kemerovo Region (Tuleev)

5. One of the largest rivers in our region (Tom)

6. There are … higher educational institutions in Kemerovo (10)

7. The first name of Leninsk-Kuznetsky (Kolchugino)

8. The famous region newspaper (Kuzbass)

9. The best sportswoman of Kuzbass of the last century (Filatova)

За каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл

  1. Подведение итогов

We’ve worked very well. What new information have you known today? Was it interesting for you?

Well done. And now let’s drink tea and speak about our work.


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