Обобщающий урок в 4 классе
Предмет: Английский язык
Учитель: Лукьянченко Людмила Алексеевна
МАОУ СОШ №10 ст. Петропавловской
Курганинского района Краснодарского края
Тема: «The Trip with Alice»
Цель: Развитие устной речи.
Задачи: 1. Развитие монологической и диалогической речи.
2. Систематизация изученных тем «Family», «Seasons»,
«My Week Day», «Animals».
Оборудование: набор игрушек (тигр, крокодил, обезьяна, петушок, собака, утка, слон, медведь, кот, козёл, цыплята и др.), альбом «My Week Day», кассета с фонограммой «Yesterday», домик из лего, маски трёх медведей, скатерть, кувшин, тарелки, лукошко.
Ход урока.
Организационный момент.
Teacher — Children, we have a guest today. Her name is Alice. Her surname is Brown. She is from England. Let’s greet her.
Pupils:-Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you
Good morning, good morning
I am glad to see you
Teacher:- Children, Alice wants to travel with you. Let’s show our
school, theatre, tell about seasons, your week day. But at
first, let’s meet.
Let’s meet. (Работа в режиме Teacher — P1, P2, P3…etc.)
Teacher: — What is your name? What is your hobby?
What is your surname? What is your favourite sport?
How are you? What is your favourite seasons?
Where are you from? What is your favourite month?
What is your address? Have you a mother?
What is your telephone №? What is her name?
What do you like? What is she?
Have you a father?
Let’s speak about seasons and weather.
/answer my questions/
What seasons have we?
What season is it now?
What is your favourite season?
What are winter months?
What months is it now?
What is your favourite month?
What is the weather like today?
«My Week Day»
/Let’s tell Alice about your week day/
(рассказ сопровождается показом в альбоме)
/Работа в режиме T – CL/
Teacher: — When do you get up?
What do you do then?
When do you go to the bathroom?
What do you do in the bathroom?
When do you do your morning exercises?
/Let’s do morning exercise/
Stand up!
Hands up, Hands down
Hands on hips, Sit down
Stand up!
Hands to the sides
Bend left, bend right
Hands on hips
One, two, three-hop
One, two, three-stop
Stand still, sit down, please
When do you have breakfast?
What do you eat and drink for breakfast/?
When do you go to school?
When do your lessons begin?
What lessons have you?
What is your favourite school subject?
When do you have lunch?
What do you do at school?
7. Let’s read (the work with the textbook)
8. Let’s draw a boy or a girl
( Teacher-P1, P2, P3 etc.)
Children, draw a face, cheeks, lips etc
T: -Who is it?
P1.-It is a boy (a girl)
T:-What is her (his) name?
P2-Ira wants to learn about you.
(Pupils tell stories about themselves)
9. In the Zoo.
(The work with the class)
Teacher shows toys.
T:-What is it? P1:-It is a cat.
P2;-It is a dog.
P4;-It is a tiger. Etc.
10. Let’s go to the concert.
(Nataly sings the song “Yesterday”)
Children listen to the song “Yesterday”- music by John Lennon and Paul Mc. Cartney.
11. Let’s show our theatre
1.-The poems “Pussy Cat’ and “Little mouse”.
2.-The fairy-tale “Three Bears”.
(Children , clap your hands)
12. Talking with Alice.
T:-Have you any questions to Alice?
P1:-What is your name?
P2:-What is your surname?
P3:-What is your hobby?
P4:-Where are you from? Etc.
13. And now, our lesson is over. Good-bye.