ГОУ средняя общеобразовательная школа № 183
с углубленным изучением английского языка
г. Санкт-Петербург
Конспект урока по английскому языку
по теме
«Земля в опасности»
5 класс
учитель английского языка
Смирнова Ирина Владимировна
ученики 10 класса
Санкт- Петербург
Цели и задачи урока
Образовательные: активизация лексики по теме в разных видах речевой деятельности: чтении, говорении, письме.
Развивающие: развитие языковых способностей и обще учебных умений.
Воспитательные: формирование активной позиции в решении общественных проблем, умение работать в команде.
Раздаточный материал: карточки 1, 2, 3,4.
Плакат с кроссвордом.
Плакат с текстом стихотворения.
Компьютер для показа слайдов.
Ход урока
Students – ученики 10 класса
Pupils – ученики 5 класса
Student 1: Our lesson is ‘Earth is in Danger.’ Let’s discuss how we can help our planet.
I. Работа в парах.
Student 2: There are 3 cards for you. Work in pairs and choose the correct answer. Those who are the 1st will get a sticker.
Раздаточный материал – карточка №1 (Card 1)
Pupils’ answers.
Student 2: Fill in the gaps.
Раздаточный материал – карточка №2 (Card 2)
Раздаточный материал – карточка №3 (Card 3)
Pupils’ answers.
II. Фронтальная работа.
Слово на доске:
Student 3: Do you know this word? It means: plants, animals, trees etc. Say it after me all together. Now fill in the letters.
Pupils’ answers.
Слово на доске:
Student 3: Do you know this word? It means: cutting down forests. Say it after me all together. Now fill in the letters.
Pupils’ answers.
III. Student 4: There is a crossword for you. Guess the words and you will get stickers for your right answers.
Плакат с кроссвордом.
Pupils’ answers.
III. Student 5: Do you love nature? Do you like summer? Why? Where do you like to walk: in the forest or in the field? Do you like to watch clouds? What do they resemble you of? Who likes to listen to the sea noise? Etc.
Pupils’ answers.
III. Student 6: Are you green? Let’s find out how green you are. Do you drop litter? Do you feed birds? Do you cut down trees? Etc.
Pupils’ answers.
Student 6: Then you are green.
IV. Показ слайдов.
Слайд 1.
Student 7: Nowadays there are many green organizations. You already know Green Peace. There is a youth environmental organization – Kids For A Clean Environment.
Слайд 2.
Student 7: First chapter of this organization was formed in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, in 1990. After that the organization started to grow.
Слайд 3.
Student 7: Today there are more than 2,000 club chapters in fifteen countries and more than 300,000 individual members.
Слайд 4.
Student 7: Membership is free to children and teachers.
Слайд 5.
Student 8: St. Petersburg as a large industrial city has got different ecological problems.
Слайд 6.
Student 8: A developed network of industrial enterprises has established environmental problems.
Слайд 7.
Student 8: We must breathe pure air and drink pure water. We should not drop litter and turn our streets into waste dumps.
Слайд 8.
Student 8: Citizens should follow laws and decrees of environmental protection.
Слайд 9.
Student 8: Only then they would find the solution to all the environmental problems. They must do it now as 2013 is the year of the ecological culture.
V. Работа в командах.
Student 9: Let’s play a game A Scribe and Messengers. We need two teams. Two scribes will put down a text which messengers of each team will deliver to them. Do it as quickly as possible. The best team will get a prize.
Раздаточный материал – 2 карточки №4 (Card 4)
VI. Student 1: How many stickers have you got? Count them. If you have more stickers than all the others, you will get a prize. Now let’s recite a poem. Say it all together with me.
Раздаточный материал – карточка №1 (Card 1)
Trees a) plant Birds a) feed Woods a) cut down
b) break b) catch b) protect
Water, a) pollute Litter a) throw away Nature a) harm
air b) keep clean b) put in the bin b) save
Раздаточный материал – карточка №2 (Card 2)
Take care of …. Plant …. Keep green ….
Keep clean …. Keep alive …. Make houses for….
Раздаточный материал – карточка №3 (Card 3)
Pollute…. Cut down….
Harm…. Drop….
Раздаточный материал – карточка №4 (Card 4)
One summer day children went to the park. They decided to plant apple trees, to feed birds and to water flowers. They were sure they did their best.
Плакат с кроссвордом
2 N | 3 V | 4 I | 5 R | 6 O | 7 N | 8 M | 9 E | 10 N | 11 T | |
a | a | a | c | a | c | o | i | c | o | r |
r | t | l | e | i | t | r | s | o | i | e |
t | u | l |
| n | o | t | t | l | s | e |
h | r | e |
| b | h |
| o | e |
| e | y |
| e |
| g |
| r |
| y |
1 – the planet on which we live (5 letters)
2 – all the living things (6 letters)
3 – a low area of land (6 letters)
4 – frozen water (3 letters)
5 – water in drops from clouds (4 letters)
6 – the month (7 letters)
7 – the direction (5 letters)
8 – small drops of water near the ground (4 letters)
9 – the study of living things (7 letters)
10 – a loud sound (5 letters)
11 – a plant with branches (4 letters)
Плакат с текстом стихотворения
Look Outside, see the trees
Watch the flowers in the breeze
Things won’t be like this in a year or two
If polluting is all we do.
Help me to help you
Show the world what you can do.
Список используемой литературы:
Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык 5 класс. – Просвещение, 2010
Macmillan Essential Dictionary 2007
Источники иллюстраций:
слайд 1 http ://www .eac .int /
слайд 2 http ://www .kidsface .org /pages /logopage .html
слайд 3 http ://www .txpta .org /legislative /legislative -environmental
слайд 4 http ://www .co -operativebank .co .uk /
слайд 5 http ://www .gov .spb .ru
слайд 6 http ://www .newsletter .flatworldknowledge .com
слайд 7 http ://www .indianexponent.com
слайд 8 http ://www .epa .gov
слайд 9 http ://www .the -day -x .ru /page /92