Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
Гимназия № 2
г. Асино Томской области
Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 7 классе
«Прекрасный мир»
учитель английского языка
Сурикова Людмила Григорьевна
г. Асино
It’s a Beautiful World
(О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева English 7, unit 5)
Основной целью урока является формирование коммуникативных умений и речевых навыков, обеспечивающих устно-речевое общение в рамках заданной ситуации.
Формирование уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка;
Развитие умений у учащихся воспринимать иноязычный текст как источник информации;
Активизация тематической лексики в устной речи школьников в диалогической и монологической форме;
Приобретение лингвострановедческих знаний;
Развитие способностей к поисковой деятельности.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, раздаточный материал, презентация.
Ход урока
Warming up
T. Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you? Fine?
Have you ever been abroad? Never? I’m sure that everybody wants to visit English-speaking countries. Today at the lesson you have got a chance to visit one of the countries and the most famous and beautiful city in the world. To begin with try to guess what city we are going to visit. (Слайд № 3)
Students: — Maybe, it is England and its capital.
T. You are right. (№ 4)
Today we shall admire some wonderful places of London.
Why would you like to go to London? (Слайд № 5)
Who would you like to go there with? (Слайд № 6)
T. Before reading the text, try to guess, what kind of information you will get about:
English people,
English weather,
Geographical position,
London Parks.
Read the text and do the exercises.
Vocabulary work: word-formation.
Match each word with a suffix. How do their meanings change? (Слайд № 7)
old -er
visit -ous
fame -ist
speak — or
small — ing
play -est
tour -est
Post- reading
Match the two halves. (cards, work in pairs)
1. London is famous for…
2. Hyde Park is…
3. Hyde Park has…
4. People are allowed…
5. There is…
6. You can swim…
7. Speaker’s Corner …
A) a royal park since 1536.
B) in the Serpentine.
C) Hyde Park, Regent’s Park, St James’s Park.
D) a lake in the middle of the park.
E) 146 hectares of parkland.
F) is visited by people who want to tell other people about their political opinions.
G) to walk, to sit and to lie on the grass.
3. Answer the questions (слайд 8-19)
What London parks do you know?
What is Hyde Park famous for?
When was Hyde Park founded?
Where is the Serpentine?
What is the oldest and smallest park in London?
What do people do in the parks?
In summer people can visit an open-air theatre and enjoy a play by Shakespeare in Hyde Park, can’t they?
Where is London Zoo located?
4. Make up a question. (Cards)
How/ London /are / parks/ / called?
What /people /do/ do/ there?
Where/ located / is/ London Zoo/?
What/ for /Hyde Park/ famous / is?
When founded /was/ Hyde Park?
Where / Serpentine/ is/ the?
Regent’s Park /in the south-west /or north-west /of /is/ London?
What /the oldest /London /and smallest /park in / is?
What / famous /St James׳s Park /for/ is?
6. Creative task.
T. Would you like to visit London Parks? What do you know about them? Please, look at them, name them and say a few words. Work in pairs. Imagine you are two friends, an English student and a Russian student. Have a talk about the parks using the role cards. I’ll give you two minutes to get ready. (Cards)
You are a Russian student. Ask your English friend to tell you about London Parks.
You are an English student who is going to take your Russian friend to Hyde Park. Tell him as much as you know about it.
Student A
Student B | |
Greet your English friend | Greet your Russian friend |
Ask about your plans for today. | Say you have a great opportunity to go to Hyde Park. |
| Say about it. |
Ask about the Serpentine | Tell where the lake is located. |
Ask about London parks. | Name them. |
Show admiration. | Speak about Speaker’s Corner. |
Say you are eager to go. | Ask your friend to hurry. |
Thank you very much. I am pleased with your work today. You’ve worked hard and deserved good marks. Did you enjoy London Parks? I hope it was interesting and useful, wasn’t it? At our next lessons we shall visit some other places of London. And now the lesson is over. Thank you. Goodbye.
Make up a dialogue about London Parks.
Text. London Parks
London is very rich in parks and gardens. Visitors of London are often surprised at London parks. These parks are still called the “Royal Parks”, they are open to the public and everywhere there are seats, deck-chairs to sit on. Hyde Park is a royal park since 1536. It was a part of the forest where the kings hunted for wild animals. Hyde Park has 146 hectares of parkland. Tourists are allowed to walk, to sit and to lie on the grass. The Serpentine is a lake in the middle of the park. Hyde Park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner, where people go to tell other people about their political opinions. Regent’s Park is in the north-west of London. It is the home of London Zoo. There are more than six thousand animals and birds in the Zoo. In summer one can visit an open-air theatre and enjoy a play by Shakespeare. There are also children’s playgrounds and tennis courts. Children like playing tennis there. St. James’s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens are linked together. St. James׳s Park is the oldest and the smallest of the royal parks. It is very beautiful with trees and flower beds. It is near Buckingham Palace. There is a lake in St. James׳s Park which is famous for its water-birds. The pelicans were given to St. James’s Park by a Russian ambassador. Hundreds of people who work in the offices nearby come to this park to rest and eat their lunch.
Make up a question.
How/ London /are / parks/ / called?
What /people /do/ do/ there?
Where/ located / is/ London Zoo/?
What/ for /Hyde Park/ famous / is?
When founded /was/ Hyde Park?
Where / Serpentine/ is/ the?
Regent’s Park /in the south-west /or north-west /of /is/ London?
What /the oldest /London /and smallest /park in / is?
What / famous /St James׳s Park /for/ is?
Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы
www . viewlondon . co . uk
Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык. 7 класс Дрофа, 2007
600 тем по английскому языку.