МОУ Кинель-Черкасская СОШ №2 «Образовательный центр»
Муниципального района Кинель-Черкасский Самарской области
Внутришкольный контроль
Проверочная работа по английскому языку
1 триместр 9 класс
Инкина Инна Ильинична
учитель английского языка
высшей категории
Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную видо-временную форму глагола.
In the 18th century the Russian Government (1 — send) Vitus Bering to explore the lands behind Russia. One day Bering (2 — discover) the strait which (3 — separate) North America from Asia. It (4 — name) after the discoverer. On a later voyage Bering (5 — see) the mainland of North America. This discovery (6 — give) Russia its right to Alaska. Bering (7 — die) before he (8 — can) take the good news back to Russia. But Chirikov and some other men of Bering’s expedition (9 — come) back.
The Russians (10 — explore) the North American continent as far north as the Arctic Ocean. Others (11 — make) settlements or (12 — build) trading posts as far south as Northern California. Not long before G. Washington (13 — become) President of the US, the Russians (14— make) a settlement in Alaska. For more than a hundred years trade (15 — carry) on between Russia and Alaska. During this time people from the US (16 — become) interested in this far northern territory. Some American ships (17 — sail) to the Arctic Ocean to fish. Others (18 — trade) with Russian settlements. In 1867 the USA (19 — buy) Alaska. It (20 — sell) for a little more than seven million dollars.
Alaska (21 — be) the largest of all the states of the USA. It (22 — be) rich in minerals. There (23 — be) large forests, many animals and much fish there.
9)___________________________ 10)_________________________ 11)_________________________ 12)_________________________ 13)__________________________ 14)________________________ 15)________________________ 16)________________________ | 17)_________________________ 18)_________________________ 19)_________________________ 20)_________________________ 21)_________________________ 22)_________________________ 23)_________________________ |
Выберите правильный вариант.
6. Some of the rice______ plain to enable us to eat it with other dishes. a) is left c) is leaving b) left d) is being left
7. I haven’t got a large appetite and when I______my favourite food, I leave half of it on the plate. a) was given c) have given b) gave d) am given
8 Japan______from Korea by the Sea of Japan. a) is separated c) separated b) separates d) is separating
9. She stood in the shadows of the jungle, knowing that she ______by the Indians. a) must follow c) must have been followed b) must have followed d) followed
10. She thought the arrow______poisoned. a) is c) can be b) may be d) could be
Задание 1
Задание 2
1b; 2a; 3c; 4c; 5d; 6a; 7d; 8a; 9c; 10d.
Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. — Обнинск: Титул, 2010.
Дзюина Е. В. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК М. З. Бибилетовой и др. “Enjoy English”: 9 класс. – М.: ВАКО, 2009.
Кошманова И. И. Тесты по английскому языку. – 3-е изд. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2004.