Класс 10 а
Тема урока: События, связанные с развитием Российской государственной системы.
Цель урока: учить рассказывать о политических системах в России и за рубежом.
Задачи урока:
— образовательная: учить применять на практике изученный лексико-грамматический материал;
— развивающая: развивать речевые навыки;
— воспитательная: воспитывать культуру общения на иностранном языке, воспитывать интерес к изучаемому языку.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
— приветствие, речевая разминка — Do you like the country we live in? What do you like best? What don’t you like? What is the most important city of our country? What is the most important part of Moscow?
— сообщение задач урока – Today we’re going to speak about the political system of Russia in the XVI-XIX centuries and about modern political systems of Russia, the USA and the UK.
2. Основной этап урока.
— Look at p.61. What can you see here? It’s the picture of ancient Moscow. Now listen to the description of it and tell, please, what can still be found in modern Moscow.(ИКТ)
— As you know, at that time the rulers of our country were the tsars. Look here, you know them, don’t you? What words can characterize them? Put down them under the picture of each tsar. (на доске изображения царей) (МАО) And now I’ll give you the texts about these noble people and you should guess what text is about Peter the 1st, which one is about Ivan the 4th…Read the text about B.Godunov. were we right characterizing him with these words?..
We should be familiar with some famous Russian tsars and rulers. Tsars were the monarchs of Russia; they reigned for centuries until the 1917 revolution. These men and women made their mark on the region with reforms and conquests, built important architectural monuments still standing today, and are interesting subjects of study in their own right.
Ivan the Terrible
Ivan the Terrible was a medieval hero and a victorious opponent of the Tatars, whose conquests had shaken Europe for centuries. Though others had used the title tsar before Ivan the Terrible, he was the first to be designated Tsar of all Russia. He reigned from 1533 to 1584. Less “terrible” and more “formidable,” this tsar is the subject of legends of his authority and fierceness.
Boris Godunov
Boris Godunov is known as one of Russia’s greatest tsars. He wasn’t noble by birth, and therefore his rise in status and power reflected his leadership qualities and ambition. Godunov reigned as regent after the death of Ivan the Terrible and was then elected tsar after the passing of Ivan’s son and heir. Boris Godunov is responsible for the institution of serfdom in Russia, which shaped the country for centuries.
Peter the Great
Peter the Great’s objectives and reforms changed the course of Russian history. This Russian emperor set a task to modernize and westernize Russia. He built St. Petersburg out of swampland, created the infamous table of ranks for civil servants, changed Russia’s calendar, established Russia’s navy, and expanded Russian lands.
Catherine the Great
Catherine the Great is one of the most famous Russian rulers, but she wasn’t Russian at all. Born in Prussia, Catherine married into Russian royalty and staged a coup to overthrow her husband and take over the reign of the Russian Empire. During her rule from 1762 to 1796, she expanded the empire’s lands and sought to modernize Russia so it would be recognized as a major European power.
Nicholas II
Nicholas II was Russia’s last tsar and emperor. The head of the Romanov family, he abdicated the throne under pressure from the Bolsheviks, who had overthrown the government in 1917. He and his immediate family, including his wife, four daughters, and his son and heir, were transported to Ekaterinburg, where they were executed in 1918.
— Let’s work in groups. Imagine that we’ve got a time-machine. And some Russian tsars managed to meet – you are to choose what tsar you will represent. What could they tell each other, how could they introduce themselves? (игровая технология). But first I want you to revise 5 types of questions. (примеры на доске)
— So as we see at that time Russia was a monarchy. And nowadays what can we say about the political systems in Russia, the USA and the UK? Put down key words under each flag (на доске флаги этих государств)…Perhaps someone could make a comparative analysis of these three states? (коммуникативные технологии)
— Fine. How can we call a president, a tsar, a minister, a lord, a depute? A politician. What characters should a politician have? …let’s read the text about it and see if we are right or wrong…So, what do you think, should a politician be power-loving? Gifted? Risky? Ambitious? Pliable? (МАО) By the way, have you got your own view-point what a politician must be? (коммуникативные технологии)
— And now share your opinion – how would you change our country. (работа по карточкам, коммуникативные технологии)
3. Заключительный этап урока.
— домашнее задание — Well. At home you are to retell this text;
— подведение итогов — So, have you learnt anything new today? Let’s revise it in short. What else would you like to learn?
— оценка работы — OK. Your marks will be…