урок в 5 классе
по теме:
“The Present Progressive
1. Образовательная: совершенствование грамматических умений, связанных со структурой Present Progressive (Continuous), развитие умений правильного употребления этой структуры в речи, активизация ранее изученного лексического материала.
2. Воспитательная: повышение интереса к изучаемому языку, расширение кругозора учащихся, формирование потребностей и способностей к коллективной работе.
3. Развивающая: развитие внимания, фонематического слуха, памяти, связанной монологической речи.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, карточки с заданиями, CD проигрыватель, УМК М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой “Enjoy English” (5-6 классы).
Ход урок.
I.Организационный момент.
(учитель приветствует учащихся, исполняя песню)
Morning, children,
Let’s begin the class.
Oh, sit down, please?
I’d like to start the lesson.
We should know many little things…
Учащиеся отвечают: «И учиться будем только с интересом!»
(песня исполняется на мелодию «Улыбка»)
Teacher: OK! Let’s learn with a great interest.
II.Основная часть.
Teacher: Today is an unusual day. We got a message from our pen friend some ours ago. Do you remember him?
Pupils: Yes, we do.
Teacher: What is his name? (Agadoo)
Where is he from? (He is from Malaysia.)
Where does he live? (He lives on the farm.)
What does he do every day? (He grows vegetables and fruit.)
Has he got a family? (Oh! Yes, he has got a big family: a mother, a father, a sister, two brothers, a granny and a granddad.)
Has he got a pet? (Yes, he has got a dog.)
Teacher: Do you know what he wrote? (No, we don’t.)
Teacher: Let’s read! (OK!)
The message.
Dear Russian friends,
I made friends with a very funny British boy David a month ago. Yesterday he sent me a very strange message. As you know, I speak Malaysian? But I go to the English school to learn English. Can you help me to translate these strange questions? (What are you doing at the moment? Are you reading an interesting book now? Are you working in the kitchen-garden now?)
How are you?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Teacher: Can you help our Malaysian friend? Do you know this structure?
Pupils: Yes, or course, with great pleasure! It’s Present Progressive.
Teacher: You are so kind. But first of all let’s refresh our knowledge. So, our topic today is…
Present Progressive (Continuous).Revision.
Teacher: How do we form this tense?
Pupils: We use am, is, are plus the verb with – ing.
Teacher: When do we use am, is, are?
Pupils: We use am with I, is with she, he, it, are with you, we, they. And we also use now, at this moment.
Teacher: Thank you. How do we ask questions?
Pupils: We must put am, is, are before subjects.
Teacher: All right. Now we should do ex. 40 p. 55. I’ll give such a card for the right answer.
This is the next task for you. Do the crossword puzzle. Find out what the of Agadoo’s pet? You’ll get one card for the right answer.
1.It is barking at … at the moment.
2. It is drinking … now.
3. It is helping his … at the moment.
4. It is dreaming about a tasty … at the moment.
5. It is catching naughty … now.
Teacher: What is his pet’s name? (Its name is Sweet.) Yes, you are absolutely right. Are you tired, children?
Pupils: Yes, we are.
Teacher: Let’s relax a little. Our friend sent us a funny melody. This song is favourite among the inhabitants of Agadoo’s native village.
(The song “Agadoo”)
Teacher: Now I want you to do this interesting task. Let’s work in groups. There will be … groups. I’ll give you these forms and you should take your pens. When I count one, two, three you should take your seats, imagine and write down what Agadoo is doing now. The members of the quickest team will get two cards.
Teacher: And now let’s write a little. Open your workbooks at p. 26, ex.25. You’ll get one card for the right answer.
Teacher: And the last task will be creative. I’ll give you these pieces of paper, you should try to imagine Agadoo’s British pen friend David, draw his portrait, ask him a question in the Present Progressive tense and write it. I’ll give you three cards for the right
Teacher: OK! Thank you for your pictures. David is very funny. Now let’s translate his questions. We’ll send a message to Agadoo after our class immediately.
Pupils: Oh! It’s very useful to know foreign languages, especially English.
Teacher: Oh! Let’s sing a song.
We should know English well,
We should write and read and tell,
Many people in the world speak only English,
We will be hardworking men, do the best to speak so well,
Everywhere will communicate in English.
Teacher: Let’s resume our lesson? What have we done at our lesson today? (We have revised the Present Progressive tense.)
Teacher: Let’s count your cards. How many cards have you got? If you get 5-7 cards, I’ll give you “five”, 3-4 cards, I’ll give you “four”. Let’s write down your homework. You should make up your own ten sentences using Present Progressive. Thank you for your lesson. I think Agadoo will be able to communicate with his British pen friend. The lesson is over, goodbye.