Урок английского языка в 8 классе

Затобольской средней школы№1

Уитель Золотаренко Нина Федоровна

Kazakhstan is our Motherland

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент
Good morning! Sit down!

What date is today? What day of the week is it today?

2. Объявление темы и целей урока:

The theme of our lesson is Kazakhstan is our Motherland. The aims are

  1. To educate the sense of patriotic to our Motherland

  2. To develop oral communication.

  1. To learn to do tests independently in order to prepare pupils for the
    state testing to repeat and to learn more about Kazakhstan to review conditional

Let’s begin our lesson.

  1. Open your books at page 121. Review the text Kazakhstan.
    And now in order to review the text. Answer my questions.
    Вопросы на доске.

  2. Let’s remember dialogue «I’m from Kazakhstan»

  1. Thank you. We live in Kazakhstan and we must know about it as much as possible.
    Today I’ll speak about Kazakhstan as of country of well — developed economy Kazakhstan
    has well developed heavy industry in many cities and towns. Let us remember them.

  2. Listen to the text about Kazakhstan and answer my questions.

  3. Выполнение текста на доске.

  4. Remember our Grammar material.

If I were you I would learn more about Kazakhstan. If I were you I would buy an ice — cream. If I were you I would go to the cinema. What are these sentences? Conditional.

9. Now you’ll do the test independently «If clause».

  1. Просмотр результатов.
    Now let’s look at our results.

  2. Natasha wants to show us her project «The film about Kazakhstan. It is N’s hobby».
    Просмотр фильма

Pay attention to the running-line. Чтение бегущей строки

Lets us watch it:

  1. Pay attention to the running line!

  2. Просмотр и комментарии

  3. Чтение бегущей строки (перевод)

  4. Обобщение темы и выводы

Бегущая строка

The President’s appeal to all people of Kazakhstan. «New Kazakhstan is in the new World»

Pupils, you know about «The President’s appeal to all people of Kazakhstan». The Head of the State, Nursultan Abishevish, says that he thinks about the future of all country and about people. He says «New Kisin the new World». What do you think about it? What does it mean for you? Give your statements into «If clause».

Выводы учащихся

We live in Kazakhstan. Our country is Our Motherland. And we must do our best to do it more beautiful to do everything for it is prosperity, because you are the future of our country.


Put the flower into the flower — bed.

If you like our lesson — put the red flower

If you don’t like our lesson — put the blue flower

If our lesson was not so good — yellow flower.


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